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CAD software
CADD software
CAT tranlsation
Computer aided design
Computer aided instruction
Computer aided publishing
Computer assisted design
Computer assisted instruction
Computer assisted publishing
Computer assisted review station
Computer assisted reviewing
Computer-aided learning
Computer-aided publishing
Computer-aided teaching
Computer-assisted learning
Computer-assisted publishing
Computer-assisted teaching
Computer-assisted translation
Computer-based education
Computer-based instruction
Computerised teaching
Desktop publishing
Machine translating
Machine translation
Programmed instruction
Programmed learning
Teaching by computer

Traduction de «Computer assisted reviewing » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
computer assisted reviewing

interpretatie met behulp van een computer

computer assisted review station

computerondersteund werkstation voor de weergave

computer aided instruction | computer assisted instruction | computer-aided teaching | computer-assisted teaching | computer-based education | computer-based instruction | CAI [Abbr.] | CAT [Abbr.] | CBE [Abbr.] | CBI [Abbr.]

computer ondersteund onderwijs | COO [Abbr.]

computer assisted design | software computer assisted design and drafting software | CAD software | CADD software

CAD-software | Computer Aided Design-software

programmed learning [ computer-aided learning | computer-assisted learning | computerised teaching | teaching by computer | programmed instruction(UNBIS) ]

computerondersteund onderwijs [ geprogrammeerd leren | geprogrammeerd onderwijs | onderwijs door middel van een computer ]

computer assisted publishing [ computer aided publishing | desktop publishing(UNBIS) ]

desktop publishing

computer assisted design [ CAD | computer aided design ]

ontwerpautomatisering [ computer-assisted design ]

CAT tranlsation | machine translating | computer-assisted translation | machine translation


Computer-aided publishing | Computer-assisted publishing | Desktop publishing

Computerondersteund publiceren | Computerondersteund uitgeven | Elektronisch uitgeven

assistant computers, computer peripheral equipment and software distribution manager | computers, computer peripheral equipment and software logistics planner | computers, computer peripheral equipment and software distribution manager | computers, computer peripheral equipment and software logistics manager

distributiechef computers, randapparatuur en software | logistiek planner computers, randapparatuur en software | distributiemanager computers, randapparatuur en software | verantwoordelijke distributielogistiek computers, randapparatuur en software
99. Asks the Commission to map out current responsibilities and to review, by December 2014 at the latest, the need for a broader mandate, better coordination and/or additional resources and technical capabilities for ENISA, Europol’s Cyber Crime Centre and other Union centres of specialised expertise, CERT-EU and the EDPS, in order to enable them to play a key role in securing European communication systems, be more effective in preventing and investigating major IT breaches in the EU and performing (or assisting Member States and EU ...[+++]

99. vraagt de Commissie samen met het Europees Parlement de huidige verantwoordelijkheden in kaart te brengen en uiterlijk in december 2014 de noodzaak van een breder mandaat, betere coördinatie en/of extra middelen en technische capaciteiten voor het cybercriminaliteitscentrum van Europol en andere gespecialiseerde kenniscentra van de Unie, Enisa, EU-CERT en de EDPS te beoordelen, zodat zij een centrale positie kunnen innemen bij de beveiliging van Europese communicatiesystemen, doeltreffender kunnen worden bij het voorkomen en onderzoeken van belangrijke schendingen op het gebied van IT in de EU en bij het uitvoeren (of het ...[+++]
