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Advise on interest rates
Borrowing interest rate
Borrowing rate
Cap interest rate
Communicate information on interest rates
Counsel on interest rates
Deposit rate
Depositor rate of interest
Discount interest rate
Discount rate
Floating interest rate
Floating rate
Floor interest rate
Inform on interest rates
Interest rate
Interest rate floor
Interest rate subsidy
Interest rate swap
Interest rates
Interest rebate
Interest swap
Loan at subsidised rate of interest
Preferential interest rate
Rate of discount
Reduced interest rate loan
Variable interest rate
Variable rate

Traduction de «Interest rate floor » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
floor | interest rate floor

floor | ondergrens van een rentevoet | rentefloor

interest rate subsidy [ interest rebate | loan at subsidised rate of interest | preferential interest rate | reduced interest rate loan ]

rentesubsidie [ lening met rentesubsidie | lening met verlaagde rentevoet | voorkeurtarief bij kredieten ]

advise on interest rates | counsel on interest rates | communicate information on interest rates | inform on interest rates

informatie geven over rentevoeten | informeren over rentevoeten

Floor | Floor interest rate

Bodemtarief | Laagste rentevoet

floating interest rate | floating rate | variable interest rate | variable rate

fluctuerende rente | variabel rentetarief | variabele rente | zwevende rentevoet

borrowing interest rate | borrowing rate | deposit rate | depositor rate of interest

creditrentevoet | kredietrente | kredietrentevoet

interest [ interest rate | interest rates(UNBIS) ]

rente [ rentevoet ]

discount rate [ discount interest rate | rate of discount ]

discontovoet [ actualiseringspercentage | disconteringsfactor ]

Interest rate swap | Interest swap

Renteswap | Ruilen van rentevoeten

break down caps and floors or other options which relate to interest rates at various dates, into a chain of independent options referring to different time periods (‘caplet’ and ‘floorlets’);

opsplitsen van caps en floors of andere opties in verband met rentevoeten op verschillende datums in een keten van onafhankelijke opties betreffende verschillende perioden („caplet” en „floorlets”);

The interest rate on the deposit facility normally provides a floor for the overnight market interest rate.

De rente op de depositofaciliteit stelt normaliter een ondergrens aan de zeer korte marktrente.

Under normal circumstances, the interest rate on the facility provides a floor for the overnight market interest rate.

Normaliter stelt de rentevoet op de faciliteit een ondergrens aan de zeer korte marktrente.

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Date index: 2023-01-25