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Advise on learning methods
Advises on learning methods
Ascertain learning disorders
Computer-aided learning
Computer-assisted learning
Computerised teaching
Confer on learning methods
Continuing education
Distance learning
Early foreign language acquisition
Early foreign language learning
Early language learning
Early second language acquisition
Early second language learning
Early stages foreign language learning
Early-stage foreign language acquisition
Early-stage foreign language learning
Education by correspondence course
Educational broadcast
Educational radio
Educational television
Identify learning disorder
Identify learning disorders
Identifying learning disorders
Learning by correspondence course
Learning organisation
Learning organization
Lifelong education
Lifelong learning
Make recommendations on learning methods
Montessori learning equipment
Montessori learning implements
Montessori learning instruments
Montessori learning tools
Programmed instruction
Programmed learning
Schools broadcast
Self-organised learning
Teaching by computer
Television teaching

Traduction de «Learning organisation » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

continuing education [ learning organisation | learning organization | lifelong education | lifelong learning ]

permanente educatie [ permanente vorming | voortgezette vorming ]

early foreign language acquisition | early foreign language learning | early language learning | early second language acquisition | early second language learning | early stages foreign language learning | early-stage foreign language acquisition | early-stage foreign language learning

vroeg vreemdetalenonderwijs | vvto [Abbr.]

advises on learning methods | make recommendations on learning methods | advise on learning methods | confer on learning methods

adviseren over leermethoden | advies geven over leermethoden | raad geven over leermethoden

Montessori learning implements | Montessori learning tools | Montessori learning equipment | Montessori learning instruments

montessorileermateriaal | montessorilesmateriaal

identify learning disorder | identifying learning disorders | ascertain learning disorders | identify learning disorders

leerstoornissen identificeren | leerstoornissen vaststellen

Grange syndrome has characteristics of stenosis or occlusion of multiple arteries (including the renal, cerebral and abdominal vessels), hypertension, brachysyndactyly, syndactyly, increased bone fragility, and learning difficulties or borderline int

syndroom van progressieve arteriële occlusieve ziekte, hypertensie, hartdefect, botfragiliteit en brachysyndactylie

programmed learning [ computer-aided learning | computer-assisted learning | computerised teaching | teaching by computer | programmed instruction(UNBIS) ]

computerondersteund onderwijs [ geprogrammeerd leren | geprogrammeerd onderwijs | onderwijs door middel van een computer ]

distance learning [ educational broadcast | educational radio | educational television | education by correspondence course | e-learning | learning by correspondence course | schools broadcast | television teaching | educational radio(UNBIS) ]

onderwijs op afstand [ afstandsonderwijs | e-studie | schoolradio | schoolradio-uitzending | schooltelevisie | schooltelevisie-uitzending | schriftelijk onderwijs ]
* Enterprises should be facilitated to become learning organisations, where everyone learns and develops through the work context, for the benefit of themselves, each other and the whole organisation, with such efforts being publicised and recognised.

* Ondernemingen moeten ertoe worden gestimuleerd om lerende organisaties te worden, waar iedereen zich - voor zichzelf en in het belang van de andere werknemers en de hele organisatie - in de context van het werk verder ontwikkelt.

It is essential to promote more actively the development of learning at the workplace and for enterprises and other organisations to become learning organisations.

Het is van het allergrootste belang dat het leren op de werkplek op actievere wijze bevorderd wordt en dat ondernemingen en andere organisaties lerende organisaties worden.

Proposals to encourage and support learning communities, cities and regions as well as enabling workplaces to become learning organisations are seen as key ways to bring learning and learners closer together.

Een van de belangrijkste manieren om leermogelijkheden en lerenden bij elkaar te brengen ligt volgens de voorstellen in de stimulering en ondersteuning van leergemeenschappen, leersteden en leerregio's en in de totstandbrenging van lerende organisaties in de wereld van het werk.

Work-based learning, project-oriented learning and learning organised as 'study circles' are particularly useful approaches.

Op het werk gebaseerd leren, projectgericht leren en leren in de vorm van "studiekringen" zijn bijzonder nuttige formules.

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Support networks for schools, universities and other education and training providers to promote new methods of organising learning (including Open Educational Resources), building capacity and developing them as learning organisations.

Ondersteunen van netwerken voor scholen, universiteiten en andere aanbieders van onderwijs en opleidingen ter bevordering van nieuwe methoden voor de organisatie van het leren (inclusief open leermiddelen), capaciteitsopbouw en ontwikkeling tot leerorganisaties.

(c) Mutual learning, cooperation, awareness raising and dissemination activities, such as identification of, and exchanges on, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences, organisation of peer review and mutual learning; organisation of conferences and seminars; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the European Union; compilation and publication of materials to disseminate information as well as results of the Programme; devel ...[+++]

(c) activiteiten inzake wederzijds leren, samenwerking, bewustmaking en verspreiding, zoals vaststelling en uitwisseling van beproefde methoden, innovatieve benaderingen en ervaringen, organisatie van intercollegiale toetsing en wederzijds leren; organisatie van conferenties en seminars; organisatie van bewustmakings- en informatiecampagnes, mediacampagnes en -evenementen, waaronder institutionele communicatie over de politieke prioriteiten van de Europese Unie; samenstelling en publicatie van materiaal voor de verspreiding van inf ...[+++]

(c) Mutual learning, cooperation, awareness raising and dissemination activities, such as identification of, and exchanges on, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences, organisation of peer review and mutual learning; organisation of conferences and seminars; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the European Union, particularly in the form of cooperation with public media organisations; compilation and publication of materia ...[+++]

(c) activiteiten inzake wederzijds leren, samenwerking, bewustmaking en verspreiding, zoals vaststelling en uitwisseling van beproefde methoden, innovatieve benaderingen en ervaringen, organisatie van intercollegiale toetsing en wederzijds leren; organisatie van conferenties en seminars; organisatie van bewustmakings- en informatiecampagnes, mediacampagnes en –evenementen, waaronder institutionele communicatie over de politieke prioriteiten van de Europese Unie, met name in de vorm van samenwerking met openbare mediaorganisaties; c ...[+++]

(c) mutual learning, cooperation, awareness raising and dissemination activities, such as identification of, and exchanges on, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences, organisation of peer review and mutual learning; organisation of conferences and seminars; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the European Union; compilation and publication of materials to disseminate information as well as results of the Programme; devel ...[+++]

(c) activiteiten inzake wederzijds leren, samenwerking, bewustmaking en verspreiding, zoals vaststelling en uitwisseling van beproefde methoden, innovatieve benaderingen en ervaringen, organisatie van intercollegiale toetsing en wederzijds leren; organisatie van conferenties en seminars; organisatie van bewustmakings- en informatiecampagnes, mediacampagnes en -evenementen, waaronder institutionele communicatie over de politieke prioriteiten van de Europese Unie; samenstelling en publicatie van materiaal voor de verspreiding van inf ...[+++]

(c) Mutual learning, cooperation, awareness raising and dissemination activities, such as identification of, and exchanges on, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences, organisation of peer review and mutual learning; organisation of conferences and seminars; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the European Union; compilation and publication of materials to disseminate information as well as results of the Programme; devel ...[+++]

(c) activiteiten inzake wederzijds leren, samenwerking, bewustmaking en verspreiding, zoals vaststelling en uitwisseling van beproefde methoden, innovatieve benaderingen en ervaringen, organisatie van intercollegiale toetsing en wederzijds leren; organisatie van conferenties en seminars; organisatie van bewustmakings- en informatiecampagnes, mediacampagnes en -evenementen, waaronder institutionele communicatie over de politieke prioriteiten van de Europese Unie; compilatie en publicatie van materiaal voor de verspreiding van inform ...[+++]

(c) mutual learning, cooperation, awareness raising and dissemination activities, such as identification of, and exchanges on, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences, organisation of peer review and mutual learning; organisation of conferences and seminars; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events; including communication of the political priorities of the European Union, compilation and publication of materials to disseminate information as well as results of the Programme; development, op ...[+++]

(c) activiteiten inzake wederzijds leren, samenwerking, bewustmaking en verspreiding, zoals vaststelling en uitwisseling van beproefde methoden, innovatieve benaderingen en ervaringen, organisatie van intercollegiale toetsing en wederzijds leren; organisatie van conferenties en seminars; Organisatie van bewustmakings- en informatiecampagnes, mediacampagnes en -evenementen; waaronder communicatie over de politieke prioriteiten van de Europese Unie; samenstelling en publicatie van materiaal voor de verspreiding van informatie en de ...[+++]

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Date index: 2023-05-06