The share of travellers who used their mobile data while roaming as often as at home doubled among those who had travelled after 15 June 2017 (31%) compared to the ones who had travelled during the months before (15%); The share of travellers who never used mobile data abroad halved after 15 June 2017 (21%) compared to the months preceding that date (42%); In general, restrictive mobile use abroad is diminishing with less travellers
switching off their phones (12%) as compared to before 15 June (20%); However, compared to mobile phone use in their home country, 60% of travellers still restricted their mobile phone use when travelling
...[+++] in another EU country since 15 June 2017.
Het percentage vakantiegangers dat in het buitenland net zo vaak mobiel surft als thuis, is dubbel zo hoog onder degenen die na 15 juni op reis zijn geweest (31%) als onder degenen die in de maanden daarvoor op reis gingen (15%). Het percentage reizigers dat nooit mobiel surft, is na 15 juni gehalveerd (21%) in vergelijking met de maanden voor die datum (42%).