This would clearly have been to the detriment of other projects which promised to meet the required levels of excellence. Regarding the accusation that expert evaluations had been manipulated, the Commission services, in this specific case, have corrected the evaluation of certain proposals which did not meet the basic criteria known to all operators, as it is the Commission's duty to do. These criteria include: the requirement to involve partners from several member states, a high degree of scientific and technological excellence, guarantees that projects would lead to results, and the proven capacity to manage the projects.
Wat de beschuldigingen in verband met manipulatie van de deskundigenbeoordelingen betreft hebben de diensten van de Commissie in dit welbepaalde geval de evaluaties van sommige voorstellen, zoals het hun plicht is, gecorrigeerd wanneer de voorstellen niet voldeden aan de elementaire criteria waarmee alle betrokkenen bekend dienen te zijn: de verplichting partners uit verscheidene Lid-Staten bij de projecten te betrekken, wetenschappelijke en technologische kwaliteit, garanties in verband met de exploitatie van de resultaten, gebleken bekwaamheid om de projecten te beheren.