As regards the declaration of illegality, second plea in law alleging that the Contested Measures breach obligations of the European Union in international law, including the European Union’s obligations under Article II(1), Article XVI and Article XVII of the GATS, and a number of provisions of the Partnership and Cooperation between the European Communities and the Russian Federation. Moreover, the Contested Measures have resulted in the Member States being in breach of their obligations under Friendship, Commerce and Navigation and similar treaties.
Wat de onrechtmatigverklaring betreft, tweede middel: de bestreden handelingen zijn strijdig met internationale verplichtingen van de Europese Unie, waaronder de verplichtingen die op de Unie rusten krachtens de artikelen II, lid 1, XVI en XVII van de GATS en een aantal bepalingen van de partnerschaps- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en hun lidstaten, enerzijds, en de Russische Federatie, anderzijds.