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Able to ask questions
Ask price
Ask questions and keep record of answers
Ask questions at event
Ask questions at events
Ask questions referring to documents
Asked price
Asking questions at events
Does ask questions
Does not ask questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions
Interview groups of people
Interview individuals
Interview people
Offer price
Pose questions at events
Pose questions referring to document
Pose questions referring to documents
Public company Supervisory Board
Put forward questions referring to documents
Representative Assembly for Social Control
Selling rate

Vertaling van "able to ask questions " (Engels → Nederlands) :


asking questions at events | pose questions at events | ask questions at event | ask questions at events

vragen stellen op evenementen

pose questions referring to document | put forward questions referring to documents | ask questions referring to documents | pose questions referring to documents

vragen stellen over documenten

interview groups of people | interview individuals | ask questions and keep record of answers | interview people

enquêtes afnemen | personen ondervragen | personen interviewen | personen spreken

Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ [Abbr.]

veelgestelde vragen | FAQ [Abbr.]

FAQ | Frequently asked questions (file)

FAQ | Frequently asked questions

ask price | asked price | offer price | selling rate

gevraagde koers | laatkoers | verkoperskoers

public company Supervisory Board | Representative Assembly for Social Control | ASKE [Abbr.]

Representatieve Vergadering voor sociale controle
– having regard to the Commission staff working documents entitled ‘Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation’ (SEC(2007)1516) and ‘Frequently asked questions concerning the application of public procurement rules to social services of general interest’ (SEC(2007)1514) ...[+++]

– gezien de werkdocumenten van de diensten van de Commissie getiteld „Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation” (SEC(2007)1516) en „Frequently asked questions concerning the application of public procurement rules to social services of general interest” (SEC(2007)1514 ...[+++]

– having regard to the Commission staff working documents entitled ‘Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation’ (SEC(2007)1516) and ‘Frequently asked questions concerning the application of public procurement rules to social services of general interest’ (SEC(2007)1514) ...[+++]

– gezien de werkdocumenten van de diensten van de Commissie getiteld "Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation" (SEC(2007)1516) en "Frequently asked questions concerning the application of public procurement rules to social services of general interest" (SEC(2007)1514 ...[+++]

The Members who want to ask questions are not the ones who are responsible for the fact that we are running so late. My problem is that I put a question to the Council concerning a matter which will now be dealt with as Question No 2. My question to the Council was identical to this, but Question Time with the Council has now been cancelled, without a replacement.

Mijn probleem is dat ik in een kwestie die nu in het kader van vraag nr. 2 wordt behandeld, een vraag aan de Raad heb gesteld, namelijk een identieke vraag aan de Raad, maar dat het vragenuur aan de Raad nu compleet is geschrapt.

4. Recalls the importance of legal certainty; appreciates the fact that the Commission drafted Frequently Asked Questions for the second public consultation to highlight the major changes proposed in the draft rules; calls on the Commission, once the final new regulatory framework has been adopted, to draft a summary note and new Frequently Asked Questions to explain the final framework in detail to market players;

4. wijst nog eens op het belang van rechtszekerheid; is verheugd over het feit dat de Commissie voor de tweede publieke raadpleging een lijst "veelgestelde vragen" (Frequently Asked Questions) heeft opgesteld aan de hand waarvan kan worden gezien wat de belangrijkste wijzigingen zijn die in de ontwerpregels worden voorgesteld; verzoekt de Commissie om, wanneer het nieuwe regelgevingskader definitief is goedgekeurd, een samenvatting en een nieuwe lijst "veelgestelde vragen" (Frequently Asked Questions) te maken, bij wijze van gedetailleerde toelichting op de regels voor de actoren op de markt;

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4. Recalls the importance of legal certainty; appreciates the fact that the Commission drafted Frequently Asked Questions for the second public consultation to highlight the major changes proposed in the draft rules; calls on the Commission, once the final new regulatory framework has been adopted, to draft a summary note and new Frequently Asked Questions to explain the final framework in detail to market players;

4. wijst nog eens op het belang van rechtszekerheid; is verheugd over het feit dat de Commissie voor de tweede publieke raadpleging een lijst „veelgestelde vragen” (Frequently Asked Questions) heeft opgesteld aan de hand waarvan kan worden gezien wat de belangrijkste wijzigingen zijn die in de ontwerpregels worden voorgesteld; verzoekt de Commissie om, wanneer het nieuwe regelgevingskader definitief is goedgekeurd, een samenvatting en een nieuwe lijst „veelgestelde vragen” (Frequently Asked Questions) te maken, bij wijze van gedetailleerde toelichting op de regels voor de actoren op de markt;

State aid: guidelines on state aid for the environment – frequently asked questions

Staatssteun: richtsnoeren milieusteun – vaak gestelde vragen

European Health Insurance Card: Frequently Asked Questions On 1 June 2004, the European Health Insurance Card will come into circulation.

De Europese ziekteverzekeringskaart: veel gestelde vragen Op 1 juni 2004 wordt de Europese ziekteverzekeringskaart in omloop gebracht.

Regulation on cross-border payments in euros to apply from 1 July 2002: frequently asked questions

Verordening betreffende grensoverschrijdende betalingen in euro: inwerkingtreding op 1 juli 2002 vaak gestelde vragen

Frequently asked questions about BSE

Vaak gestelde vragen over BSE

Proposal for a Directive on Occupational Pensions frequently asked questions

Voorstel voor een richtlijn betreffende bedrijfspensioenen - dikwijls gestelde vragen
