Accordingly the following compartments of the territory of Ireland: Compartment 1: Sheephaven Bay, Compartment 3: Killala, Broadhaven and Blacksod bays, Compartment 4: Streamstown Bay, Compartment 5: Bertraghboy and Galway bays, Compartment 6: Poulnashaary Bay and Compartment A: Tralee Bay Hatchery should be regarded as free of OsHV-1μVar and consequently listed in Annex I to Decision 2010/221/EU.
Dienovereenkomstig moeten de volgende compartimenten op het grondgebied van Ierland als vrij van OsHV-1μVar worden beschouwd en bijgevolg in bijlage I bij Besluit 2010/221/EU worden opgenomen: compartiment 1 (Sheephaven Bay), compartiment 3 (Killala Bay, Broadhaven Bay en Blacksod Bay), compartiment 4 (Streamstown Bay), compartiment 5 (Bertraghboy Bay en Galway Bay), compartiment 6 (Poulnashaary Bay) en compartiment A (Tralee Bay Hatchery).