– (ES) Commissioner, as you will be aware, there is a priority project, one of those approved at the Essen Council, on the trans-European networks, relating to the high-speed South-Europe rail connection, and one branch of this project is intended to link the French city of Dax with Vitoria: Dax in the region of Aquitaine and Vitoria in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
– (ES) Mijnheer de commissaris, zoals u wellicht weet, is er tijdens de Raad van Essen een prioritair project inzake trans-Europese netwerken goedgekeurd dat betrekking heeft op de hogesnelheidsverbinding met Zuid-Europa. In dit kader zou de Franse stad Dax verbonden worden met Vitoria: Dax in de regio Aquitaine en Vitoria in de autonome regio Baskenland.