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Advise a customers on a type of computer equipment
Advise customers on type of computer equipment
Advising customers on a type of computer equipment
CAD software
CADD software
CAT tranlsation
Computer aided design
Computer aided instruction
Computer aided publishing
Computer assisted design
Computer assisted instruction
Computer assisted publishing
Computer-aided instruction
Computer-aided learning
Computer-aided publishing
Computer-aided teaching
Computer-assisted instruction
Computer-assisted learning
Computer-assisted publishing
Computer-assisted teaching
Computer-assisted translation
Computer-based education
Computer-based instruction
Computerised teaching
Desktop publishing
Instruct customers on type of computer equipment
Machine translating
Machine translation
Programmed instruction
Programmed learning
Teaching by computer

Traduction de «computer-assisted instruction » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
computer aided instruction | computer assisted instruction | computer-aided teaching | computer-assisted teaching | computer-based education | computer-based instruction | CAI [Abbr.] | CAT [Abbr.] | CBE [Abbr.] | CBI [Abbr.]

computer ondersteund onderwijs | COO [Abbr.]

computer aided instruction | computer-aided learning | computer-assisted instruction | computer-assisted learning | CAI [Abbr.] | CAL [Abbr.]

computerondersteund onderwijs | COO [Abbr.] | Niet verwarren met'computerbeheerd onderwijs',en de student,waarin de computer problemen of leerstof presenteert,vragen stelt of beantwoordt,hulp geeft.gedifferentieerd reageert op antwoorden van de leerling [Abbr.]

computer-aided instruction | computer-assisted instruction | CAI [Abbr.]

computergestuurd onderwijs

programmed learning [ computer-aided learning | computer-assisted learning | computerised teaching | teaching by computer | programmed instruction(UNBIS) ]

computerondersteund onderwijs [ geprogrammeerd leren | geprogrammeerd onderwijs | onderwijs door middel van een computer ]

advising customers on a type of computer equipment | instruct customers on type of computer equipment | advise a customers on a type of computer equipment | advise customers on type of computer equipment

klanten raad geven over soorten computermateriaal | klanten advies geven over soorten computermateriaal | klanten adviseren over soorten computermateriaal

computer assisted design | software computer assisted design and drafting software | CAD software | CADD software

CAD-software | Computer Aided Design-software

computer assisted publishing [ computer aided publishing | desktop publishing(UNBIS) ]

desktop publishing

computer assisted design [ CAD | computer aided design ]

ontwerpautomatisering [ computer-assisted design ]

CAT tranlsation | machine translating | computer-assisted translation | machine translation


Computer-aided publishing | Computer-assisted publishing | Desktop publishing

Computerondersteund publiceren | Computerondersteund uitgeven | Elektronisch uitgeven
4.2.3. Periodic further training may take the form of conferences, instruction, or communication of information by traditional or computer-assisted means, and may be provided for individuals or groups.

4.2.3. De regelmatige bijscholing kan worden verzorgd in de vorm van besprekingen, onderwijs en traditionele of computergesteunde overdracht, en dit individueel of groepsgewijs.

4.2.3. Periodic further training may take the form of conferences, instruction, or communication of information by traditional or computer-assisted means, and may be provided for individuals or groups.

4.2.3. De regelmatige bijscholing kan worden verzorgd in de vorm van besprekingen, onderwijs en traditionele of computergesteunde overdracht, en dit individueel of groepsgewijs.

The work programme described includes - digital-signal processing (DSP), Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC), RF (radio frequency) communications, and touch-screen solutions - a focus on RF (radio frequency) semiconductor components for use in portable transmitters and receivers that operate at lower voltages and higher frequencies - systems architectures for wireline/wireless personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal intelligent communicators (PICs) and screenphone/fax.

Volgens de beschrijving omvat het programma - digitale signaalverwerking (DSP), vereenvoudigde computerinstructies (Reduced Instruction Set Computing), RF(radiofrequentie)-communicaties en aanraakbeeldschermen - RF(radiofrequentie)-semigeleiders voor gebruik in draagbare zenders en ontvangers die op lagere spanning en met hogere frequenties werken - architectuur van systemen voor draadverbindingen/draadloze verbindingen van personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal intelligent communicators (PICs) en telefoon/fax met beeldscherm.
