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Area of smallholdings
Area sown
Cultivated area
Currency area
Currency zone
Dollar area
English-speaking areas
English-speaking countries
Franc area
French-speaking areas
French-speaking countries
German-speaking countries
Homestead area
Homestead immune from attachment
Language minority
Linguistic area
Linguistic group
Linguistic minority
Monetary area
Planted area
Portuguese-speaking areas
Rural smallholdings zone
Spanish-speaking areas
Sterling area
Utilised agricultural area
Utilized agricultural area

Vertaling van "homestead area " (Engels → Nederlands) :

area of smallholdings | homestead area | rural smallholdings zone

kleinschalig landbouwgebied

homestead immune from attachment

familiegoed dat niet vatbaar is voor beslag

currency area [ currency zone | dollar area | franc area | monetary area | sterling area ]

monetaire zone [ dollarzone | frankzone | sterlingzone ]

utilised agricultural area [ area sown | cultivated area | planted area | UAA | utilized agricultural area ]

landbouwareaal [ bebouwbare oppervlakte | bebouwde oppervlakte | beplante oppervlakte | bezaaide oppervlakte | gemeten oppervlakte ]

linguistic group [ English-speaking areas | English-speaking countries | French-speaking areas | French-speaking countries | German-speaking countries | language minority | linguistic area | linguistic minority | Portuguese-speaking areas | Spanish-speaking areas ]

taalgroep [ Duitstalig gebied | Engelstalig gebied | Franstalig gebied | linguïstische minderheid | Nederlandstalig gebied | Portugeestalig gebied | taalgebied | taalgroepering | taalminderheid ]

Definition: A type of pervasive developmental disorder that differs from childhood autism either in age of onset or in failing to fulfil all three sets of diagnostic criteria. This subcategory should be used when there is abnormal and impaired development that is present only after age three years, and a lack of sufficient demonstrable abnormalities in one or two of the three areas of psychopathology required for the diagnosis of autism (namely, reciprocal social interactions, communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behaviour) in spite of characteristic abnormalities in the other area(s). Atypical autism arises most often ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Een pervasieve ontwikkelingsstoornis die verschilt van vroegkinderlijk autisme, hetzij op het punt van de beginleeftijd, hetzij doordat zij niet voldoet aan alle drie groepen diagnostische criteria. Deze subcategorie dient gebruikt te worden indien er sprake is van een afwijkende en gestoorde ontwikkeling die pas na het derde levensjaar aanwezig is en van onvoldoende aantoonbare-afwijkingen op één of twee van de drie psychopathologische gebieden die vereist zijn voor de diagnose autisme (te weten, sociale interacties; communicatie; en beperkt, stereotiep zich herhalend gedrag) ondanks kenmerkende afwijkingen op de andere ...[+++]

Carious lesion of any cervical (gingival) or other smooth surface area of tooth.

cariës op glad oppervlak van gebitselement

A very rare form of focal palmoplantar keratoderma with characteristics of painful circumscribed hyperkeratotic lesions on weight-bearing areas of soles, moderate focal hyperkeratosis of palmar pressure-related areas and an asymptomatic leukokeratosi

focale palmoplantaire en gingivale keratodermie

Cap polyposis (CP) is characterised by multiple inflammatory polyps that predominantly affect the rectosigmoid area and manifest primarily as rectal bleeding with abnormal transit, constipation or diarrhoea. To date, around 67 cases have been describ

cap polyposis

datacenter (1): (

'homestead area' ->

Date index: 2022-02-05