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Agricultural cooperative
Commence multi national cooperation strategies
Cooper's ligament
DG Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid
DG International Cooperation and Development
Dairy cooperative
Decentralised cooperation
Decentralized cooperation
Develop international cooperation strategies
EU Development and Cooperation Results Framework
Establish international cooperation strategies
Establish multi national cooperation strategies
EuropeAid Development and Cooperation DG
Farm cooperative
Farm machinery cooperative
Farmers' distribution cooperative
International cooperation
Livestock farming cooperative
Local government external action
Municipal international cooperation
Rural cooperatives
Winegrowers' cooperative

Vertaling van "international cooperation " (Engels → Nederlands) :


DG Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid | DG International Cooperation and Development | Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid | Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development | EuropeAid | EuropeAid Development and Cooperation DG | EuropeAid Development and Cooperation Directorate-General

DG EuropeAid Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking | DG Internationale Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling | Directoraat-generaal EuropeAid Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking | directoraat-generaal Internationale Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling

decentralised cooperation [ decentralized cooperation | local government external action | municipal international cooperation ]

gedecentraliseerde samenwerking [ externe maatregelen van lokale overheden | gemeentelijke internationale samenwerking ]

Community programme of assistance and cooperation with non-member countries in the field of the formulation and implementation of energy policy | Multiannual Programme to promote international cooperation in the energy sector | programme to promote international cooperation in the energy sector | Programme to promote international coperation in the energy sector | Synergy [Abbr.]

gemeenschappelijk programma voor hulp aan en samenwerking met derde landen op het gebied van de bepaling van het energiebeleid en de toepassing daarvan | programma ter bevordering van de internationale samenwerking in de energiesector | SYNERGY [Abbr.]

commence multi national cooperation strategies | establish multi national cooperation strategies | develop international cooperation strategies | establish international cooperation strategies

internationale samenwerkingsstrategieën ontwikkelen

EU Development and Cooperation Results Framework | EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework

EU-resultatenkader voor internationale samenwerking en ontwikkeling | kader voor EU-ontwikkelings- en samenwerkingsresultaten

agricultural cooperative [ dairy cooperative | farm cooperative | farmers' distribution cooperative | farm machinery cooperative | livestock farming cooperative | winegrowers' cooperative | rural cooperatives(UNBIS) ]

landbouwcoöperatie [ landbouwdistributiecoöperatie | landbouwproductiecoöperatie | landbouwteeltcoöperatie | melkcoöperatie | wijnbouwcoöperatie ]

Cooper's ligament

structuur van ligamentum suspensorium mammae

facilitate cooperation between stakeholders on technical standards for surveillance systems | harmonise technical standards for international interoperability | coordinate technical standards for global interoperability | ensure standardisation of technical and operational aspects of surveillance systems

technische normen voor globale interoperabiliteit coördineren

coordinate cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department | ensure cooperation between production, costume department and make-up department | ensure cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department | manage cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department

samenwerking tussen productie, kostuumafdeling en make-upafdeling garanderen
In the early 1990s, cooperation between Member States mainly took the form of traditional collaboration between governments within international organisations such as the Organisation for Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) -- multilateral European and international cooperation platforms -- notably as regards the labour market.

De samenwerking tussen de lidstaten vóór 1997 bestond evenwel vooral in de traditionele samenwerking tussen regeringen en in internationale organisaties zoals de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) (EN)(FR) en de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie (ILO) (EN)(FR), Europese en internationale multilaterale platforms voor samenwerking betreffende met name de arbeidsmarkt.

Action: continue to develop differentiated EU transport cooperation and policy and industrial dialogues with main trading partners and regional groupings, including by concluding agreements; continue to develop external relations in the field of aviation building on the forthcoming EU-US aviation agreement; promote the EU’s major transport industrial projects; further develop cooperation; review on a case-by-case basis the EU’s interaction with international cooperation mechanisms, ranging from better policy coordination over an enhanced observer status to EU membership in relevant international organisations or even special relation ...[+++]

( Acties: voortzetten van de ontwikkeling van een gedifferentieerde Europese samenwerking en beleid inzake vervoer en opzetten van een industriële dialoog met de belangrijkste handelspartners en regionale samenwerkingsverbanden, onder meer door het sluiten van overeenkomsten; voortzetting van de ontwikkeling van buitenlandse betrekkingen inzake de vliegtuigbouw op de volgende luchtvaartovereenkomst tussen de EU en de VS; promoten van belangrijke Europese industriële projecten; verder ontwikkelen van samenwerking; op basis van een beoordeling geval per geval de interactie met internationale samenwerkingsverbanden evalueren, gaande van ...[+++]

[1] The eleven general aims of the Strategy are to: (a) ensure that drugs remains a top priority for the EU; (b) ensure that actions are evaluated; (c) continue the balanced approach to drugs; (d) give greater priority to drug prevention, demand reduction and the reduction of the adverse consequences of drug use; (e) reinforce the fight against drug trafficking and to step up police cooperation between Member States; (f) encourage multi-agency cooperation and the involvement of civil society; (g) use to the full the possibilities offered by the Amsterdam Treaty, particularly Article 31 e) on minimum rules on drug trafficking; (h) ensure collection and dissemination of reliable and comparable data on drugs in the EU; (i) progressivel ...[+++]

[1] De elf algemene doelstellingen van de strategie zijn de volgende: (a) ervoor zorgen dat het drugsvraagstuk een topprioriteit blijft voor de EU; (b) ervoor zorgen dat de acties tegen drugs worden geëvalueerd; (c) de evenwichtige aanpak van de drugsproblematiek voortzetten; (d) grotere prioriteit toekennen aan drugspreventie, terugdringing van de vraag en de vermindering van de schadelijke gevolgen van drugsgebruik; (e) de strijd tegen de illegale drugshandel en de politiële samenwerking tussen de lidstaten intensiveren; (f) interdisciplinaire samenwerking en de betrokkenheid van de civiele samenleving bevorderen; (g) de mogelijkheden die het Verdrag van Amsterdam biedt, optimaal benutten, in het bijzonder artikel 31, onder e), inza ...[+++]

- The setting up, based on the model of the European Forum on Infrastructures, of a Concertation Forum on international scientific cooperation, which will make it possible to strengthen the coherence and coordination of Member State participation in international cooperation initiatives at world level: international programmes on global change and to support the Kyoto agreements; actions undertaken in the framework of the G8; international initiatives on ethical matters.

- Oprichting, volgens het model van het Europees Infrastructuurforum, van een forum voor overleg over internationale wetenschappelijke samenwerking, om te bereiken dat de lidstaten op meer coherente en gecoördineerde wijze deelnemen aan internationale samenwerkingsinitiatieven op wereldniveau: internationale programma's inzake de wereldwijde klimaatverandering en ter ondersteuning van de akkoorden van Kyoto; acties in het kader van G8; internationale initiatieven betreffende ethische vraagstukken.

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Without prejudice to the possibility for the cooperation network to have informal international cooperation, the Union may conclude international agreements with third countries or international organisations allowing and organizing their participation in some activities of the cooperation network.

Onverminderd de mogelijkheid van het samenwerkingsnetwerk om op informele basis internationaal samen te werken, kan de Unie internationale overeenkomsten met derde landen of internationale organisaties sluiten waarbij hun deelname aan bepaalde activiteiten van het samenweringsnetwerk mogelijk wordt gemaakt en georganiseerd.

104. Considers that, owing to the vital part played by international cooperation between financial intelligence units (FIUs) in combating money laundering and international terrorism, it is necessary for the new regulatory approach also to include updated rules on the role and organisation of the FIUs, as well as the arrangements governing international cooperation between them, including in cases of non-compliance with the Egmont standards in which international cooperation is refused or is inadequate;

104. is van mening dat de nieuwe wetgeving, gezien de essentiële rol van de internationale samenwerking tussen de FIE's op het gebied van de bestrijding van witwassen en internationaal terrorisme, geactualiseerde regels moet bevatten ten aanzien van de rol en de organisatie van de FIE's, evenals ten aanzien van de internationale samenwerkingsmethoden, mede gelet op de inbreuken op de „Egmont-normen”, waarbij geweigerd wordt internationaal samen te werken of waarbij de internationale samenwerking ontoereikend is;

100. Considers that, owing to the vital part played by international cooperation between financial intelligence units (FIUs) in combating money laundering and international terrorism, it is necessary for the new regulatory approach also to include updated rules on the role and organisation of the FIUs, as well as the arrangements governing international cooperation between them, including in cases of non-compliance with the Egmont standards in which international cooperation is refused or is inadequate;

100. is van mening dat de nieuwe wetgeving, gezien de essentiële rol van de internationale samenwerking tussen de FIE's op het gebied van de bestrijding van witwassen en internationaal terrorisme, geactualiseerde regels moet bevatten ten aanzien van de rol en de organisatie van de FIE's, evenals ten aanzien van de internationale samenwerkingsmethoden, mede gelet op de inbreuken op de "Egmont-normen", waarbij geweigerd wordt internationaal samen te werken of waarbij de internationale samenwerking ontoereikend is;

43. Reiterates that international cooperation for peaceful purposes is a basic value of the European Union and is at the heart of its policies; considers that international cooperation should promote European technology, infrastructure and services, scientific, technical and industrial excellence, optimal data access for European users, knowledge sharing and interoperable development of applications useful for meeting the great societal challenges that Europe and the world are currently facing; points out that the European Union should be a leader in the space field and maintain a substantial strategic role at world level, particularly ...[+++]

43. herhaalt dat internationale samenwerking met vredelievende doeleinden een van de fundamentele waarden van de Europese Unie vormt en ten grondslag ligt aan haar beleid; is van mening dat Europese kennis van techniek, infrastructuren en diensten, geavanceerde wetenschappelijke, technische en industriële kennis, zo goed mogelijke toegang tot gegevens voor Europese gebruikers, delen van kennis en interoperabele ontwikkeling van toepassingen die nuttig zijn voor het aanpakken van de omvangrijke maatschapplijke problemen waarmee Europa en de wereld momenteel worden geconfronteerd, door internationale samenwerking moeten worden bevorderd; ...[+++]

– having regard to the 65th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), in particular that body’s resolutions on ‘International cooperation on humanitarian assistance in the field of natural disasters, from relief to development’, ‘Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran’, ‘Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’, ‘Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order’, ‘Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all’, ‘Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights’, ‘Operational activities for development of the Unite ...[+++]

– gezien de 65ste Algemene Vergadering van de VN (AVVN), met name de daarbij aangenomen resoluties inzake "International cooperation on humanitarian assistance in the field of natural disasters, from relief to development", "Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran", "Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea", "Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order", "Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all", "Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights", "Operational activities for development of the United N ...[+++]

– having regard to the 65th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), in particular that body's resolutions on ‘International cooperation on humanitarian assistance in the field of natural disasters, from relief to development’ , ‘Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran’ , ‘Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’ , ‘Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order’ , ‘Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all’ , ‘Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights’ , ‘Operational activities for development of the ...[+++]

– gezien de 65ste Algemene Vergadering van de VN (AVVN), met name de daarbij aangenomen resoluties inzake „International cooperation on humanitarian assistance in the field of natural disasters, from relief to development” , „Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran” , „Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea” , „Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order” , „Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all” , „Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights” , „Operational activities for development of the Un ...[+++]
