Key actions Member States should: Continue the deployment of renewable energy sources in order to achieve the 2020 target in the context of a market-based approach; Initiate the Europeanization of renewable energy support systems through improved coordination of national support schemes; Accelerate fuel switch in the heating sector to renewable heating technologies; Ensure stable national regulatory frameworks for renewables and address administrative barriers; Facilitate access to finance for renewable projects on all levels (large and small scale) through a concerted initiative by the European Investment Bank and national investment ba
nks, where relevant making ...[+++] use of the support provided by the ESI Funds; Exploit, where this option is chosen, hydrocarbons and clean coal taking into account the decarbonisation priorities; Stream-line nati
onal administrative procedures for hydrocarbon projects, including by carrying out Strategic Impact Assessments and setting up one-stop-shop for granting permitting procedures, in accordance wi
th the Commission's guidance documents on Streamlining environmental assessment procedures for energy infrastructure and Projects of Common interest and on EIAs for large-scale trans-boundary projects [25]; Assess the potential of unconventional hydrocarbons taking full account of Recommendation 2014/70/EU in order to ensure that the highest environmental standards are implemented; Support demonstration projects for carbon capture and storage, particularly those co-financed by the NER 300 Programme and the European Energy Programme for Recovery, such as the ROAD project.