However, torture is still used in Uzbek prisons; the human rights situation in Uzbekistan has not improved at all. We hear this from international organisations, which are observing serious attacks on civil society. Not only human rights organisations, but also women’s organisations, information centres and many other organisations are being affected. Human rights activists are being condemned to long-term sentences and numerous activists, including journalists, have had to flee.
In Oezbeekse gevangenissen wordt nog steeds gemarteld, de mensenrechtensituatie in Oezbekistan is in geen enkel opzicht verbeterd.Dit vernemen wij van internationale organisaties, die dramatische aanslagen op burgers waarnemen.Niet alleen mensenrechtenorganisaties, maar ook vrouwenorganisaties, informatiecentra en vele andere organisaties worden daardoor getroffen.Mensenrechtenactivisten worden tot jarenlange straffen veroordeeld, talrijke activisten moesten vluchten, ook journalisten.