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Adjust a cochlear implant
Adjust cochlear implants
Aluminium-silicon eutectic mixture
Aluminum-silicon eutectic mixture
Carry out animal microchip implantation procedures
Carry out brachytherapy treatments
Carry out radioactive seed implantation therapy
Implant brachytherapy treatments
Implant microchips in animals
Implant of silicone under skin for augmentation
Insert microchips into animals
Perform animal microchip implantation
Perform brachytherapy treatments
Silicon breast implant
Silicon-aluminium eutectic mixture
Silicon-aluminum eutectic mixture
Silicone gel implant
Silicone implant
Tune cochlear implant
Tune cochlear implants

Vertaling van "silicone implant " (Engels → Nederlands) :


Implant of silicone under skin for augmentation

implantatie van silicone onder huid voor augmentatie

wastes from production of silicon and silicon derivatives | wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of silicon and silicon derivatives | wastes from the MFSU of silicon and silicon derivatives

afval van de productie van silicium en siliciumderivaten

aluminium-silicon eutectic mixture | aluminum-silicon eutectic mixture | silicon-aluminium eutectic mixture | silicon-aluminum eutectic mixture

aluminium silicium eutecticum

tune cochlear implant | tune cochlear implants | adjust a cochlear implant | adjust cochlear implants

cochleaire implantaten aanpassen | cochleaire implantaten afstellen

carry out animal microchip implantation procedures | perform animal microchip implantation | implant microchips in animals | insert microchips into animals

microchips bij dieren implanteren

semi-metal [ arsenic | boron | selenium | silicon | tellurium | Silicones(ECLAS) ]

halfmetalen [ arsenicum | borium | selenium | silicium | tellurium ]

carry out radioactive seed implantation therapy | perform brachytherapy treatments | carry out brachytherapy treatments | implant brachytherapy treatments

brachytherapeutische behandelingen implanteren
– having regard to its resolution of 13 June 2001 on the petitions declared admissible concerning silicone implants (Petitions 0470/1998 and 0771/1998) ,

– gezien zijn resolutie van 13 juni 2001 over de ontvankelijk verklaarde verzoekschriften betreffende siliconenimplantaten (verzoekschriften nrs. 0470/1998 en 0771/1998) ,

E. whereas the SCENIHR report requested by the Commission in early January 2012 stresses that there is some concern regarding the possibility of inflammation induced by ruptured or leaking PIP silicone implants;

E. overwegende dat in het rapport van het WCNG, in opdracht van de Commissie begin januari 2012, wordt gesteld dat er enige bezorgdheid bestaat over mogelijke ontstekingen als gevolg van gescheurde of lekkende PIP siliconen implantaten;

Recent events such as the scandal about fraudulent silicone breast implants and the problems occurring with certain metal-on-metal hip joint replacements have brought the above mentioned issues to the attention of the public at large.

Recente gebeurtenissen zoals het schandaal rond de frauduleuze siliconenborstimplantaten en de problemen met bepaalde metaal-op-metaalkunstheupen hebben deze zaken onder de aandacht van het grote publiek gebracht.

- having regard to the May 2000 STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment) report on Health risks posed by silicone implants in general with special attention to breast implants ,

- gezien het rapport van STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment) van mei 2000 over "Health risks posed by silicone implants in general with special attention to breast implants” ,

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D. whereas those opinions favour option 3 in the STOA report, which stops short of a total ban on silicone implants but calls for specific measures to be adopted and implemented as regards patient information and closer monitoring as well as product quality and basic research,

D. overwegende dat deze commissies in hun advies aanbevelen optie 3 van het STOA-rapport goed te keuren, d.w.z. geen volledig verbod op siliconenimplantaten, maar goedkeuring en tenuitvoerlegging van specifieke maatregelen ter verbetering van de patiëntenvoorlichting en -bewaking, alsmede van de kwaliteit van de producten en fundamenteel onderzoek,

B. whereas the Commission is drawing up a communication on silicone implants (programme number 2001/261 on the measures to be taken in 2001),

B. overwegende dat de Commissie een mededeling over siliconenimplantaten voorbereidt (programmanummer: 2001/261 van de in 2001 te nemen maatregelen),
