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'fixing' room
Bilateral laser tonsillectomy room
Conduct visitations to the post-mortem room
Conduct visits to the post-mortem room
Conduct visits to the postmortem room
Controlled atmosphere storage room
Drug injection room
Engine room
Evaporator room
Fire room
Gas store
Injecting room
Injection room
Manage visits to the postmortem room
Modified atmosphere storage room
Operate curing room equipment
Plasma mediated ablation tonsillectomy
Set up specifications in a curing room
Set up specifications in a preserving room
Set up specifications in a tempering room
Set up specifications in curing room
Tonsillectomy room
Use curing room equipment
Use of curing room equipment
Utilise curing room equipment

Vertaling van "tonsillectomy room " (Engels → Nederlands) :

accidental poisoning by gases or fumes on ship atomic reactor malfunction in watercraft crushed by falling object on ship excessive heat in:boiler room | engine room | evaporator room | fire room | explosion of boiler on steamship fall from one level to another in watercraft fall on stairs or ladders in watercraft injuries in watercraft caused by:deck | engine room | galley | laundry | loading | machinery | localized fire on ship machinery accident in watercraft

door storing van atoomreactor in vaartuig | explosie van ketel op stoomschip | ongeval met machine op vaartuig | onopzettelijke vergiftiging door gassen of dampen op schip | overmatige hitte in | ketelruim | overmatige hitte in | machinekamer | overmatige hitte in | stookkamer | overmatige hitte in | verdampingskamer | plaatselijk brand op schip | val van ene niveau naar andere op vaartuig | val van trap of ladder op vaartuig | vermorzeld door vallend voorwerp op schip | verwondingen op vaartuig veroorzaakt door | dek | machines | verwondingen op vaartuig veroorzaakt door | kombuis | machines | verwondingen op vaartuig veroorzaakt door | lading | machines | verwondingen op vaart ...[+++]

drug injection room | 'fixing' room | injecting room | injection room


operate curing room equipment | use of curing room equipment | use curing room equipment | utilise curing room equipment

droogschuurapparatuur gebruiken

set up specifications in a curing room | set up specifications in a tempering room | set up specifications in a preserving room | set up specifications in curing room

specificaties in droogschuur instellen

conduct visits to the post-mortem room | manage visits to the postmortem room | conduct visitations to the post-mortem room | conduct visits to the postmortem room

bezoeken aan mortuaria begeleiden room | controlled atmosphere storage room | gas store | modified atmosphere storage room


Plasma mediated ablation tonsillectomy

tonsillectomie door coblatie

Bilateral laser tonsillectomy

bilaterale lasertonsillectomie

Definition: Nocturnal episodes of extreme terror and panic associated with intense vocalization, motility, and high levels of autonomic discharge. The individual sits up or gets up, usually during the first third of nocturnal sleep, with a panicky scream. Quite often he or she rushes to the door as if trying to escape, although very seldom leaves the room. Recall of the event, if any, is very limited (usually to one or two fragmentary mental images).

Omschrijving: Nachtelijke episoden van overmatige angst en paniek gepaard gaand met intense vocalisatie, motorische onrust en hevige autonome-prikkeling. De betrokkene komt overeind of staat op, doorgaans tijdens het eerste derde deel van de nachtelijke slaap, met een paniekerige schreeuw. Dikwijls rent hij of zij naar de deur als om te proberen te ontkomen, maar verlaat zelden de kamer. Herinnering van de gebeurtenis, indien al aanwezig, is uiterst beperkt (doorgaans tot een of twee fragmentarische beelden).

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Date index: 2024-07-01