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Vertaling van "clinical preventive health care " (Frans → Nederlands) :

° American College of Physicians ° Primary Care - Clinical Practice Guidelines ° U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guide to Clinical Preventive Services ° National Guideline Clearinghouse ° AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) ° Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (US) - Pédiatrie

° American College of Physicians ° Primary Care - Clinical Practice Guidelines ° U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guide to Clinical Preventive Services ° AHRQ [Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality]

° Canadian Medical Association (Clinical Practice Guidelines) ° Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care ° Clinical practice guidelines (Guidelines Advisory Committee Ontario)

° Canadian Medical Association [Clinical Practice Guidelines] ° Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care ° Clinical practice guidelines [Guidelines Advisory Committee Ontario]

In Canadian Guide to Clinical Preventive Health Care Canada 1994: 100-6.

In Canadian Guide to Clinical Preventive Health Care Canada 1994:100-6.

La recherche de directives sur les “evidence based websites” classiques (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) avec les termes de recherche “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ ne donne aucun résu ...[+++]

Zoeken op de klassieke evidence based websites voor richtlijnen (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) met de zoekterm “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ levert geen resultaat op.

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Bristish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscitation (Techniques de réanimation cardiopulmonaire Conseil Supérieur de la Santé Diphtérie-tétanos Diphtérie-tétanos-coqueluche Diphtérie-tétanos-vaccin acellulaire contre la coqueluche Diphtérie-tétanos-coqueluche-vaccin injectable inactivé contre la polio Food and Dru ...[+++]

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Bristish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cardio-pulmonaire reanimatietechnieken Difterie-tetanus Difterie-tetanus-pertusis Difterie-tetanus-acellulair vaccin tegen pertusis Difterie-tetanus-pertusis- geïnactiveerd injecteerbaar vaccin tegen polio Food and Drug Administration Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Haemophilus Influenzae type b geïnactiveerd injecteerbaar vaccin tegen polio mono-amino-oxydase Oraal polio vaccin Tetanus-difterie (verlaagd ...[+++]

Ippolito G, Puro V, Petrosillo N, Pugliese G, Wispelwey B, Tereskerz PM, et al. Prevention, management & chemoprophylaxis of occupational exposure to HIV. Charlottesville, VA : International Health Care Worker Safety Center & AEP - Advances in Exposure Prevention ; 1997.

Ippolito G, Puro V, Petrosillo N, Pugliese G, Wispelwey B, Tereskerz PM, et al. Prevention, management & chemoprophylaxis of occupational exposure to HIV. Charlottesville, VA: International Health Care Worker Safety Center & AEP - Advances in Exposure Prevention; 1997.

MeSH Keywords Mots clés Sleutelwoorden Stichworten terms* Hospital Construction Construction Constructie Konstruktion Design and Renovation Rénovation Renovatie Renovierung Construction Transformation Transformation Verbouwing Umbau Health Health care Institutions de Zorginstellingen Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen Facilities facilities soins Infection Control Prévention Preventie Prävention Control Infection Infection Infectie Infektion Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Legionella Legionella Legionella Legionella ...[+++]

MeSH Keywords Sleutelwoorden Mots clés Stichworten terms* Hospital Construction Constructie Construction Konstruktion Design and Renovation Renovatie Rénovation Renovierung Construction Transformation Verbouwing Transformation Umbau Health Health care Zorginstellingen Institutions de Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen Facilities settings soins Infection Prevention Preventie Prévention Prävention Control Infection Infectie Infection Infektion Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Legionella Legionella Legionella Legionell ...[+++]

les « guidelines for the National Health Service » sur le « Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care» publié par « National Institute for Clinical Excellence » (août 2004);

de Britse " guidelines for the National Health Service" over " Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care" door de " National Institute for Clinical Excellence" (augustus 2004);

la conférence de consensus INAMI sur “L’usage adéquat des inhibiteurs d’acide dans le reflux gastrooesophagien et la dyspepsie” (mai 2003) les “guidelines for the National Health Service” sur le “Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care” publié par le “National Institute for Clinical Excellence” (août 2004) la CRM, concernant un “contrôle a posteriori” pour les IPP (février 2005).

de RIZIV-consensusconferentie over het “Doelmatig gebruik van zuurremmers bij gastro-oesofagale reflux en dyspepsie” (mei 2003) de Britse “guidelines for the National Health Service” over “Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care” door de “National Institute for Clinical Excellence” (augustus 2004) de CTG, betreffende een “a posteriori controle” voor PPI (februari 2005).

Evaluation of safety devices for preventing percutaneous injuries among health-care workers during phlebotomy procedures — Minneapolis- St. Paul, New York City, and San Francisco, 1993-1995 MMWR 1997 ; 46:21-8.

Evaluation of safety devices for preventing percutaneous injuries among health-care workers during phlebotomy procedures — Minneapolis- St. Paul, New York City, and San Francisco, 1993-1995 MMWR 1997; 46:21-8.

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Date index: 2022-04-13