PCAS in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients show 30 day rates of stroke and death of 1.8% (N=896, 63% symptomatic) 35 , 2.2% (K-M estimate, N=143 of which 37.1% symptomatic) 39, 3.2% (N=2111 symptomatic patients)34, 2.5% (N=2110 asymptomatic patients) 34, 5.2% (N=97 symptomatic)36, 11.3%(N=53, 57% symptomatic > 75 year old)32, 3.8% (N=213 symptomatic)33, 3.2% (N=602 asymptomatic)33, 2% (N=86> 79 years old)33, 3.7% (N=159 29.9% symptomatic) 28 .
PCAS in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients show 30 day rates of stroke and death of 1.8% (N=896, 63% symptomatic)35, 2.2% (K-M estimate, N=143 of which 37.1% symptomatic) 39, 3.2% (N=2111 symptomatic patients)34, 2.5% (N=2110 asymptomatic patients) 34, 5.2% (N=97 symptomatic)36, 11.3%(N=53, 57% symptomatic > 75 year old)32, 3.8% (N=213 symptomatic)33, 3.2% (N=602 asymptomatic)33, 2% (N=86> 79 years old)33, 3.7% (N=159 29.9% symptomatic)28.