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Vertaling van "for the duration " (Frans → Nederlands) :


[1] Duration of Lactation and Risk Factors for Maternal Cardiovascular Disease – Schwarz et al.- Gynecol.

Duration of Lactation and Risk Factors for Maternal Cardiovascular Disease – Schwarz et al.- Obstet Gynecol.

[3] Thomas Harder1 et al. Duration of Breastfeeding and Risk of Overweight: A Meta-Analysis.

[3] Thomas Harder1 et al. Duration of Breastfeeding and Risk of Overweight: A Meta-Analysis.

Design Population Intervention n Duration Outcomes Results

Design Population Intervention N/n Duration Outcomes Results

13. Guillemot D, Carbon C, Balkan B et al : Low dosage and long treatment duration of beta-lactam : risk factor for carriage of penicillin-resisiant Streptococcus pneumonies.

13. Guillemot D, Carbon C, Balkan B et al: Low dosage and long treatment duration of beta-lactam: risk factor for carriage of penicillin-resisiant Streptococcus pneumonies.

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Les critères d’évaluation secondaires étaient le délai de réponse tumorale (Time to Tumor Response, TTR), la durée de réponse (Duration of Response, DR), le taux de contrôle de la maladie (Disease Control Rate, DCR), la survie sans progression (Progression-Free Survival, PFS) et la survie globale (Overall Survival, OS).

De secundaire eindpunten omvatten tijd tot tumorrespons (Time to Tumour Response, TTR), duur van respons (Duration of Response, DR), percentage ziektecontrole (Disease Control Rate, DCR), progressievrije overleving (Progression-Free Survival, PFS), en algehele overleving (Overall Survival, OS).

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR Buproprion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 15-25% in sensitivity analysis) Lifetime relapse probability after one year of abstinence: 35% (range 10-50% in sensitivity analysis) Effect of smoking cessation on mortality derived ...[+++]

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR bupropion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 15-25% in sensitivity analysis) Lifetime relapse probability after one year of abstinence: 35% (range 10-50% in sensitivity analysis) Effect of smoking cessation on mortality derived ...[+++]

Unit cost: €2.53 Costs of interventions in current practice based on Dutch empirical data Cost calculations of interventions in increased implementation program based on Dutch practice guidelines and (for the duration of NRT and Buproprion) on international trials (Cochrane meta-analysis) Costs of smoking-related diseases were taken into account, estimates based on Dutch cost-ofillness study that allocated total direct health care costs to diseases.

Unit cost: €2.53 Costs of interventions in current practice based on Dutch empirical data Cost calculations of interventions in increased implementation program based on Dutch practice guidelines and (for the duration of NRT and bupropion) on international trials (Cochrane meta-analysis) Costs of smoking-related diseases were taken into account, estimates based on Dutch cost-ofillness study that allocated total direct health care costs to diseases.

Arch Intern Med 2006; 166:357-65. Vickers MR, MacLennan AH, Lawton B et al. Main morbidities recorded in the women’s international study of long duration oestrogen after menopause (WISDOM): a randomised controlled trial of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.

Oestrogen therapy for prevention of reinfarction in postmenopausal women: a randomised placebo controlled trial.

(1) La publication de référence suivante de W. Kissling est confirmée par une étude plus récente : W. Kissling, Duration of Neuroleptic Maintenance Treatment, in W. Kissling Guidelines for Neuroleptic Relapse Prevention, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1991, pp 95-107 (2) Même référence que pour 1.

(1) De volgende referentie publicatie van W. Kissling is bevestigd door recenter onderzoek: W. Kissling, Duration of Neuroleptic Maintenance Treatment, in W. Kissling Guidelines for Neuroleptic Relapse Prevention, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1991, pp95-107 (2) Zelfde referentie als 1.

Buproprion is assumed to be prescribed in two 4-week packs, given that the recommended duration of treatment is 7-9 weeks.

Bupropion is assumed to be prescribed in two 4-week packs, given that the recommended duration of treatment is 7-9 weeks.

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Date index: 2022-02-28