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Traduction de «health improving » (Français → Néerlandais) :

The core ofhealth in all policies” is to examine determinants of health that can be altered to improve health, but which are mainly controlled by the policies of sectors other than health.

The core ofhealth in all policies” is to examine determinants of health that can be altered to improve health, but which are mainly controlled by the policies of sectors other than health. 1.3 Objectives of the performance project Systematic evaluation of health system performance is an on-going

Le 1 er février 2009, le projet pilote EuSANH-ISA (European Science Advisory Network for Health - Improving Science Advice for Health) a officiellement démarré.

Op 1 februari 2009 ging het driejarig project EuSANH-ISA (European Science Advisory Network for Health - Improving Science Advice for Health) officieel van start.

Le 1 février 2009 le projet EuSANH-ISA (European Science Advisory Network for Health - Improving Science Advice for Health) a officiellement démarré.

Op 1 februari 2009 ging het driejarig project EuSANH-ISA (European Science Advisory Network for Health - Improving Science Advice for Health) officieel van start.

For families at risk, provide home-based educational interventions to help proactively to improve parenting skills, health behaviour and interaction between parents and children. vii. Set up in partnership with other ministers evidence-based education programmes addressing suicide, depression, alcohol and other substance use disorders for young people at schools and universities and involve role models and young people in the making of campaigns. viii.

Set up in partnership with other ministers evidence-based education programmes addressing suicide, depression, alcohol and other substance use disorders for young people at schools and universities and involve role models and young people in the making of campaigns. viii.

- Improving Science Advice for Health) a eu lieu le 1er février 2009.

Op 1 februari 2009 ging EuSANH-ISA (European Science Advice Network for Health - Improving Science Advice for Health) officieel van start.

Slideshow : What are the chances that patients contribute to improve quality and cost-effectiveness of health care?

Slideshow : What are the chances that patients contribute to improve quality and cost-effectiveness of health care?

In this section, we identified 10 limitations that should be addressed to improve the evaluation of the health system performance.

improve the evaluation of the health system performance.

Les mots clés suivants ont été utilisés : ÿ perioperative care Ÿ and ÿ routine test Ÿ, puis ÿ preoperative test Ÿ. Pour trouver les directives et les revues, les sites suivants ont été consultés : Medline ( limites : guidelines ou RCT), NICE, Health Council of the Netherlands (HCN), National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), International Network of Agencies for HealthTechnology Assessment (INAHTA) et Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI).

Daarbij werden de volgende zoektermen gebruikt : ÿ perioperative care Ÿ en ÿ routine test Ÿ, vervolgens ÿ preoperative test Ÿ. De volgende sites werden geraaadpleegd : Medline (criteria: guidelines of RCT), NICE, Nederlandse Gezondheidsraad (HCN), National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) en Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI).

Current head counts of practising physicians undoubtedly represent an In the field of mental health, the currently available indicators do not reflect improvement of the information compared with the former situation when the recent major changes in the sector.

improvement of the information compared with the former situation when In the field of mental health, the currently available indicators do not reflect the medical workforce was estimated by the total number of licensed the recent major changes in the sector.

Séminaire “Improving Health Systems Performance in a Fragile Economic Climate” (25 novembre 2011)

Seminarie “Improving Health Systems Performance in a Fragile Economic Climate” (25 november 2011)

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Date index: 2021-08-03