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Traduction de «human immunodeficiency virus htlv virus t-lymphotropique humain pcr polymerase chain reaction xmlv xenotropic » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Liste des abréviations utilisées: ADN Acide désoxyribonucléique ARN Acide ribonucléique SFC Syndrome de fatigue chronique CSS Conseil Supérieur de la Santé HIV Human immunodeficiency virus HTLV Virus T-lymphotropique humain PCR Polymerase chain reaction XMLV Xenotropic murine leukemia virus XMRV xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus

Lijst van de gebruikte afkortingen CVS Chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom DNA Desoxyribonucleic acid HGR Hoge Gezondheidsraad HIV Human immunodeficiency virus HTLV Humaan T-cel lymfotroop virus PCR Polymerase chain reaction RNA Ribonucleic acid XMLV Xenotropic murine leukemia virus XMRV Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus

ADN = acide désoxyribonucléique; ALT = alanine aminotransférase; anti-HBc = anticorps contre l’antigène core du virus HBV; CMV = cytomegalovirus; HBsAg = antigène de surface du virus HBV; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HCV = hepatitis C virus; HEV = hepatitis E virus; HGV = hepatitis G virus; HFE = gène de l’hémochromatose type 1; HH = hereditary haemochromatosis (hémochromatose héréditaire); HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV = human T- ...[+++]

Gebruikte afkortingen: ALT = alanine aminotransferase; anti-HBc = antistof tegen hepatitis B core antigen; CMV = cytomegalovirus; DNA = desoxyribonucleïnezuur; HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV = hepatitis-B-virus; HCV = hepatitis-C-virus; HEV = hepatitis-E-virus; HGV = hepatitis-G-virus; HFE = hemochromatose type 1 gen; HH = hereditary haemochromatosis (erfelijke hemochromatose); HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV = human T- < ...[+++]

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Date index: 2023-08-08