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Infection causée par des champignons
Infection causée par un champignon
Infection croisée ?
Infection de la peau provoquée par des champignons
Infection intestinale avec diarrhée grave
Inflammation et infection de l'os mastoïde
Qui combat l'infection

Vertaling van "infections in healthcare " (Frans → Nederlands) :


inflammation | inflammation (= ensemble des signes et symptômes secondaires à une infection)

inflammatie | ontsteking

mastoïdite | inflammation et infection de l'os mastoïde

mastoiditis | ontsteking van het slaapbeen

dermatophytose | infection de la peau provoquée par des champignons

dermatofytose | atletenvoet

dermatomycose | infection de la peau provoquée par des champignons

dermatomycose | schimmelziekte van de huid

anti-infectieux (a. et s.m) | qui combat l'infection

anti-infectieus | tegen de infectieverwekker gericht

candidose | infection causée par un champignon (candida)

candidiasis | schimmelziekte van huid en slijmvliezen

Healthcare-acquired infections occur after exposure to healthcare. According to the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC, each year 4 million patients acquire a HAI in

According to the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention on nosocomial acquisition (ECDC, each year 4 million patients acquire a HAI in

Source : « Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities » Recommendations of CDC and the healthcare infection control practices advisory commitee (HICPAC).

Bron : « Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities » Recommendations of CDC and the healthcare infection control practices advisory commitee (HICPAC).

On parle de ‘healthcare-associated MRSA’ (HCA-MRSA), contrairement au ‘community-acquired MRSA’ (CA-MRSA), une forme plus rare mais plus virulente infectant davantage les enfants et les jeunes adultes 78 .

Men spreekt van ‘healthcare-associated MRSA’ (HCA-MRSA), dit in tegenstelling tot ‘community-acquired MRSA’ (CA-MRSA), een zeldzamere maar virulentere vorm die vooral kinderen en jonge volwassenen infecteert 78 .

sociétés scientifiques, notamment par la Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) (7) et, en Belgique, par le " Groupement pour le Dépistage, l'Etude et la Prévention des Infections Hospitalières" (GDEPIH) (8).

grotendeels toegepast worden in alle ziekenhuisdiensten. Hierover werden aanbevelingen gepubliceerd door talrijke wetenschappelijke verenigingen, zoals de “Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America” (SHEA) (7) en, in België, de “Groep ter Opsporing, Studie en Preventie van Infecties in de Ziekenhuizen” (GOSPIZ) (8).

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Shlaes DM et al : Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and Infections Diseases Society of America joint committee on the prevention of antimicrobial resistance : guidelines for the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in hospitals.

Shlaes DM et al: Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and Infections Diseases Society of America joint committee on the prevention of antimicrobial resistance: guidelines for the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in hospitals.

ViiV Healthcare possède actuellement 10 des thérapies les plus utilisées en cas d’infections au VIH, et dispose de 17 nouvelles molécules dans son portefeuille en développement.

ViiV Healthcare heeft momenteel 10 van de meest gebruikte medicijnen bij HIV infecties beschikbaar en heeft 17 moleculen in portfolio ter ontwikkeling van nieuwe behandelingen.

United States Guideline for Infection Control in Dental Healthcare Settings.

United States' Guideline for Infection Control in Dental Healthcare Settings.

Réunion d'experts : New strategies to monitor and control infections, antibiotic use and resistance in healthcare facilities in the EU member states

Expertenbijeenkomst: New strategies to monitor and control infections, antibiotic use an resistance in healthcare facilities in de EU member states.

FitzSimons D, Francois G, De Carli G, Shouval D, Pruss-Ustun A, Puro V, et al. Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne infections in healthcare workers : guidelines for prevention and management in industrialised countries.

FitzSimons D, Francois G, De Carli G, Shouval D, Pruss-Ustun A, Puro V, et al. Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne infections in healthcare workers: guidelines for prevention and management in industrialised countries.

− Center for diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), HICPAC - Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee.

− Centers for diseases Control and Prevention (CDC)-Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC).

datacenter (12): (

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Date index: 2023-06-24