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Traduction de «patients using a generic » (Français → Néerlandais) :

In order to ensure that the patientÊs perspective is represented, it is crucial that the health states are first described by the patients, using a generic descriptive system for health-related quality of life (e.g. the EQ-5D, the SF-36).

In order to ensure that the patientÊs perspective is represented, it is crucial that the health states are first described by the patients, using a generic descriptive system for healthrelated quality of life (e.g. the EQ-5D, the SF-36).

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time- Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time-Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

Il est fait référence aux recommandations de la Guideline on Risk Management Systems for Medicinal Products for Human Use (EMEA/CHMP/96268/2005, annexe B, 1.4) : « en limitant le nombre d’unités, le patient devra voir un professionnel de la santé à des intervalles définis, augmentant ainsi les occasions d’être examiné et réduisant la durée durant laquelle un patient n’est pas examiné. Une petite taille de conditionnement peut également être utile, en particulier si l’on considère qu’il existe un risque majeur de surdose ou s’il faut restreindre la possibilité que les médicaments arrivent aux mains du grand public.

Er wordt verwezen naar de aanbevelingen van de Richtlijn betreffende risicobeheersystemen voor geneesmiddelen voor menselijk gebruik (EMEA/CHMP/96268/2005, bijlage B, 1.4): " door het aantal eenheden te beperken moet de patiënt op welbepaalde tijdstippen een gezondheidszorgbeoefenaar raadplegen waardoor er meer kans is om hem te testen en waardoor de tijdspanne waarin de patiënt zonder toezicht is, ingekort wordt... Een kleine verpakkingsgrootte kan ook nuttig zijn, in het bijzonder als er een groot risico van overdosering is of als de kans dat de drugs bij de algemene bevolking terechtkomen, moet worden beheerst”.

For primary prevention of stroke, adequate blood pressure reduction, and treatment of hyperlipidemia, use of antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and of antiplatelet therapy in patients with myocardial infarction are effective and supported by evidence from several

For primary prevention of stroke, adequate blood pressure reduction, and treatment of hyperlipidemia, use of antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and of antiplatelet therapy in patients with myocardial infarction are effective and supported by evidence from several randomized trials.1 Effective strategies for the secondary prevention of stroke include

Older trials showed poor outcomes, and two randomised trials of carotid stenting were stopped early after these poor outcomes in stented patients.16 These early trials used techniques which have now been superseded, but the safety of endovascular treatment remains as yet insufficiently known.

Older trials showed poor outcomes, and two randomised trials of carotid stenting were stopped early after these poor outcomes in stented patients. 16 These early trials used techniques which have now been superseded, but the safety of endovascular treatment remains as yet insufficiently known.

33. Reimers B, Schluter M, Castriota F, Tubler T, Corvaja N, Cernetti C, et al. Routine use of cerebral protection during carotid artery stenting: results of a multicenter registry of 753 patients.

use of cerebral protection during carotid artery stenting: results of a multicenter registry of 753 patients.

occasional use of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)spray (two to three times per month). Does not include patients with unstable angina who would be ASA grade.

occasional use of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)spray (two to three times per month).Does not include patients with unstable angina who would be ASA grade.

2. « Clinical use of red cells in critical patients: Surgery & Intensive Care » (Ph.

2. “Clinical use of red cells in critical patients: Surgery & Intensive Care” (Ph.

Si les preuves cliniques dont on dispose sont insuffisantes ou inexistantes, on parle de traditional use: les indications proposées se limitent alors aux symptômes que le patient peut traiter sans trop de risques; il n’y a donc pas d’indications spécifiques (tableau clinique ou facteurs de risque).

Indien er geen of onvoldoende klinische evidentie voorhanden is, spreekt men van traditional use of traditioneel gebruik: de hier gestelde indicaties beperken zich tot symptomen die de patiënt zonder al te veel risico’s kan behandelen; er zijn dus geen specifieke indicaties (ziektebeelden of risicofactoren).

Si les preuves cliniques dont on dispose sont insuffisantes ou inexistantes, on parle de traditional use : les indications proposées se limitent alors aux symptômes que le patient peut traiter sans trop de risques; il n’y a donc pas d’indications spécifiques (tableau clinique ou facteurs de risque).

Indien er geen of onvoldoende klinische evidentie voorhanden is, spreekt men van traditional use of traditioneel gebruik: de hier gestelde indicaties beperken zich tot symptomen die de patiënt zonder al te veel risico’s kan behandelen; er zijn dus geen specifieke indicaties (ziektebeelden of risicofactoren).

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patients using a generic ->

Date index: 2024-12-31