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Vertaling van "provider " (Frans → Nederlands) :

2000 € Minimal counselling by a GP consists of one or two consultations with a total length of 12 minutes, not provided as part of a consultation for other health reasons Minimal counselling+NRT is provided for a period of 8 weeks Intensive counselling+NRT is provided by a trained lung nurse for a total of 90 minutes after a brief advice from a lung physician, period of NRT is 12 weeks Intensive counselling+Buproprion included intensive counselling as described above with Buproprion for a period of 9 weeks Telephone counselling consists of one intake call of 30 minutes and six follow-up calls of each 15 minutes Costs of self-help materia ...[+++]

2000 € Minimal counselling by a GP consists of one or two consultations with a total length of 12 minutes, not provided as part of a consultation for other health reasons Minimal counselling+NRT is provided for a period of 8 weeks Intensive counselling+NRT is provided by a trained lung nurse for a total of 90 minutes after a brief advice from a lung physician, period of NRT is 12 weeks Intensive counselling+bupropion included intensive counselling as described above with bupropion for a period of 9 weeks Telephone counselling consists of one intake call of 30 minutes and six follow-up calls of each 15 minutes Costs of self-help materials ...[+++]

L’état-providence actif est une réaction tardive à vingt années de crise de l’état-providence et de critique à son égard, état-providence qui ne s’adapte que très difficilement aux modifications profondes de la société.

De actieve welvaartsstaat is een laat antwoord op twintig jaar crisis van en kritiek op de welvaartsstaat, die zich slechts moeizaam aanpast aan diepgaande veranderingen in de samenleving.

Shibboleth est un middleware basé sur SAML, qui implémente un mécanisme d’authentification et d’autorisation inter-domaine (Web Single SignOn) : l’identity provider (IdP) fournit l’information relative aux utilisateurs pendant que le service provider (SP) utilise cette information pour accorder ou non l’accès à certaines ressources.

Shibboleth is een middleware gebaseerd op SAML, die een authenticatie- en toestemmingsmechanisme inter-domein implementeert (Web Single SignOn) : de identity provider (IdP) levert de informatie met betrekking tot de gebruikers terwijl de Service provider (SP) deze informatie gebruikt om de toegang aan bepaalde bronnen toe te laten of niet.

La liste des « providers » qui sont accrédités par l’ACCME est publiée sur le site web de l’ACCME dans la rubrique « List of Accredited Providers ».

De lijst van de door de ACCME geaccrediteerde providers is terug te vinden in de rubriek “List of Accredited Providers” op de website van de ACCME.

The absolute probability of not smoking at 6 to 12 months was greater in trials which provided high-intensity additional support, rather than lowintensity, particularly with nicotine gum, although this was of no significance.

The absolute probability of not smoking at 6 to 12 months was greater in trials which provided high-intensity additional support, rather than low-intensity, particularly with nicotine gum, although this was of no significance.

52. Cebul RD, Snow RJ, Pine R, Hertzer NR, Norris DG. Indications, outcomes, and provider volumes for carotid endarterectomy.

provider volumes for carotid endarterectomy.

It is therefore closely related to appropriateness, which can be defined as “the degree to which provided healthcare is relevant to the clinical

It is therefore closely related to appropriateness, which can be defined as “the degree to which provided healthcare is relevant to the clinical needs, given the current best evidence and the provider’s experience”. The link between effectiveness and appropriateness reflects the link

i : Données belges les plus récentes. Les données de l'OCDE les plus récentes pour la Belgique datent de 2007 ; ii 72% des personnes décédées à leur domicile ont eu un contact avec leur médecin généraliste durant leur dernière semaine de vie (données nationales indisponibles, chiffres tirés d'une seule étude des Mutualités Chrétiennes) ; iii L'indice UPC (Usual Provider of Care) est la proportion des contacts avec le médecin généraliste habituel d'un patient.

72% van de personen die thuis overlijden hebben een huisarts gezien tijdens de laatste levensweek (geen nationale gegevens, waarden gebaseerd op één enkele studie van het Christelijk Ziekenfonds). iii UPC, de Usual Provider of Care index, is het percentage contacten met de eigen huisarts van een patiënt; 1 wijst erop dat de patiënt altijd dezelfde huisarts zag; de indicator vertegenwoordigtt het percentage patiënten met een UPC van minstens 0,75; d.w.z. die minstens 3 contacten op 4 hadden met hun eigen huisarts.

139 It implies that community services should be which evaluates the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) of active offered whenever possible, while hospital servicess should be available physicians. For the first time, preliminary counts of the number of when ambulatory care cannot provide a good answer to the patient’s practising nurses by sector of activity are now available. needs.

139 It implies that community services should be physicians. For the first time, preliminary counts of the number of offered whenever possible, while hospital servicess should be available practising nurses by sector of activity are now available. when ambulatory care cannot provide a good answer to the patient’s needs.

structures, renders services, and attains resultss in ways that prevent harm to the user, provider, or environment”.

Safety can be defined as “the degree to which the system has the right structures, renders services, and attains resultss in ways that prevent harm to the user, provider, or environment”.

Anderen hebben gezocht naar : not provided     aux modifications profondes     signon l’identity provider     trials which provided     provider     which provided     upc usual provider     care cannot provide     user provider     

datacenter (12): (

provider ->

Date index: 2021-07-05