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Traduction de «risks of stroke or death » (Français → Néerlandais) :

To asses the effects of poorer outcomes, we added the peri-procedural mortality of low volume centres in the US, using the observed risk ratio of death to the risks of stroke or death; low volume centres showed a 1.8 times higher peri-procedural mortality. 50

To asses the effects of poorer outcomes, we added the peri-procedural mortality of low volume centres in the US, using the observed risk ratio of death to the risks of stroke or death; low volume centres showed a 1.8 times higher peri-procedural mortality.[50]

The medical risk of any stroke or death in the forthcoming five years in symptomatic persons of the NASCET/ECST trials with a stenosis of 50% (according to the NASCET method) was 21%. 14 That risk was further increased by male sex (23%), old age ( 75 y, 31%), time since last event (< 2 weeks, 32%) and diabetes.

The medical risk of any stroke or death in the forthcoming five years in symptomatic persons of the NASCET/ECST trials with a stenosis of 50% (according to the NASCET method) was 21%.[14] That risk was further increased by male sex (23%), old age ( 75 y, 31%), time since last event (< 2 weeks, 32%) and diabetes.

14. Bond R, Rerkasem K, Shearman CP, Rothwell PM. Time trends in the published risks of stroke and death due to endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis.

of stroke and death due to endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis.

The graphs „Medical treatment‰ and „trial centres‰ show the results of the ACST/ACAS trials (expressed as constant hazards of stroke or death from the trials and age dependent hazards of all other cause mortality from the Flemish male life table at age 70 in the year 2000). 18 Intervention starts with a short period of high (peri-procedural) mortality, but the lower post-procedural hazard of death will overtake the higher hazard of medical treatment.

The graphs „Medical treatment‰ and „trial centres‰ show the results of the ACST/ACAS trials (expressed as constant hazards of stroke or death from the trials and age dependent hazards of all other cause mortality from the Flemish male life table at age 70 in the year 2000).[18] Intervention starts with a short period of high (peri-procedural) mortality, but the lower post-procedural hazard of death will overtake the higher hazard of medical treatment.

PCAS in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients show 30 day rates of stroke and death of 1.8% (N=896, 63% symptomatic) 35 , 2.2% (K-M estimate, N=143 of which 37.1% symptomatic) 39, 3.2% (N=2111 symptomatic patients)34, 2.5% (N=2110 asymptomatic patients) 34, 5.2% (N=97 symptomatic)36, 11.3%(N=53, 57% symptomatic > 75 year old)32, 3.8% (N=213 symptomatic)33, 3.2% (N=602 asymptomatic)33, 2% (N=86> 79 years old)33, 3.7% (N=159 29.9% symptomatic) 28 .

PCAS in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients show 30 day rates of stroke and death of 1.8% (N=896, 63% symptomatic)35, 2.2% (K-M estimate, N=143 of which 37.1% symptomatic) 39, 3.2% (N=2111 symptomatic patients)34, 2.5% (N=2110 asymptomatic patients) 34, 5.2% (N=97 symptomatic)36, 11.3%(N=53, 57% symptomatic > 75 year old)32, 3.8% (N=213 symptomatic)33, 3.2% (N=602 asymptomatic)33, 2% (N=86> 79 years old)33, 3.7% (N=159 29.9% symptomatic)28.

30. Hobson RW, 2nd, Howard VJ, Roubin GS, Brott TG, Ferguson RD, Popma JJ, et al. Carotid artery stenting is associated with increased complications in octogenarians: 30-day stroke and death rates in the CREST lead-in phase.

Carotid artery stenting is associated with increased complications in octogenarians: 30-day stroke and death rates in the CREST lead-in phase.

Remerciements : Pour son aide précieuse relative à la méta-analyse : Cécile Dubois (KCE) Pour leur contribution au scoring des indicateurs : Raf Brouns et Matthieu Rutgers (Belgian Stroke Council) Pour la validation de la description de leur pays : Suède : Kiell Asplund (Chair, Risks Stroke Umea), Bo Norrving (Professor, Lund University-Steering committee member Riks stroke) Pays-Bas : Martien Limburg (Neuroloog, Flevoziekenhuis, A ...[+++]

Acknowledgements: Voor haar waardevolle bijdrage in het gedeelte over meta-analyse: Cécile Dubois (KCE) Voor hun bijdrage bij het scoren van de indicatoren: Raf Brouns en Matthieu Rutgers (Belgian Stroke Council) Voor het valideren van de informatie over hun land: Zweden: Kiell Asplund (Chair, Risks Stroke Umeal), Bo Norrving (Professor, Lund University-Steering committee member Riks stroke) Nederland: Martien Limburg (Neuroloog, F ...[+++]

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Review: calcium supplements increase risk for myocardial infarction but not mortality or stroke in adults.

Revieuw: calcium supplements increase risk for myocardial infarction but not mortality or stroke in adults.

datacenter (12): (

risks of stroke or death ->

Date index: 2021-04-29