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Traduction de «specific and generic health » (Français → Néerlandais) :

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time- Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time-Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

In order to ensure that the patientÊs perspective is represented, it is crucial that the health states are first described by the patients, using a generic descriptive system for health-related quality of life (e.g. the EQ-5D, the SF-36).

In order to ensure that the patientÊs perspective is represented, it is crucial that the health states are first described by the patients, using a generic descriptive system for healthrelated quality of life (e.g. the EQ-5D, the SF-36).

Simplifiant la structure de sa haute direction, Novartis réduit la taille du Comité de direction de douze à neuf membres. Il sera composé de: Joe Jimenez, Directeur général, D r Mark Fishman, , Directeur Monde NIBR (The Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research); David Epstein, Directeur de la division Pharmaceuticals, Jeff George, Directeur de la division Generics, George Gunn, Directeur de la division Consumer Health, D r Andrin Oswald, Directeur de la division Vaccins et Diagnostic; Jon Symonds, Directeur finanier, Thomas Werlen ...[+++]

9. They will be Joe Jimenez, CEO; Mark Fishman, M.D., Global Head of NIBR (The Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research); David Epstein, Division Head Pharmaceuticals; Jeff George, Division Head Generics; George Gunn, Division Head Consumer Health: Andrin Oswald, M.D., Division Head Vaccines and Diagnostics; Jon Symonds, CFO; Thomas Werlen, General Counsel; and Jürgen Brokatzky-Geiger, Global Head Human Resources.

Introduction to the RAI instrument (.Powerpoint) Its use both in specific contexts and as a link between health care practitioners Prof Jean-Claude Henrard (Université René Descartes, Paris-France)

Introduction to the RAI instrument : Its use both in specific contexts and as a link between health care practitioners (ppt, 196kb) Prof Jean-Claude Henrard (Université René Descartes, Paris-France)

C’est la raison pour laquelle la plate-forme e-Health vérifiera quel logiciel satisfait aux normes, standards et spécifications TIC fixés.

Daarom zal het e-Health-platform nagaan welke software al dan niet voldoet aan de vastgelegde ICT-gerelateerde normen, standaarden en specificaties.

LÊInstitute of Medicine des Etats-Unis présente lÊessence du concept de „recommandation de bonne pratique‰ en le définissant comme suit : „systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances‰.

De definitie van het Amerikaanse Institute of Medicine geeft de essentie van het begrip „praktijkrichtlijn‰ gevat weer: „systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances‰.

Le “Contrat” désigne le contrat conclu entre Pfizer Animal Health SA (ci-après dénommé l'Acheteur) et le Fournisseur, comprenant le Bon de commande, les présentes conditions générales d’achat, les spécifications et toute autre modalité prévue dans le Bon de commande.

Onder " Contract" verstaat men het contract tussen Pfizer Animal Health SA (hierna " de Koper" genoemd) en de Leverancier, dat bestaat uit de Bestelbon, deze algemene aankoopvoorwaarden, de specificaties en de andere voorwaarden waarnaar verwezen wordt in de Bestelbon" .

Pour les utilisateurs de ces logiciels, il est cependant primordial de savoir avec certitude si ce logiciel satisfait aux normes, standards et spécifications TIC fixés par la plate-forme e-Health.

Voor de gebruikers van deze software is het evenwel van belang om met zekerheid te weten of deze software voldoet aan de ICT-gerelateerde normen, standaarden en specificaties vastgelegd door het e-Health-platform.

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specific and generic health ->

Date index: 2021-04-14