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Baigner le patient
Chaise ergonomique pour patient
Côlon irritable
Double aveugle
Mictions fréquentes
Moniteur de fréquence cardiaque au chevet du patient
Névrose cardiaque
Spasme du pylore
Syndrome de Da Costa
à risque

Vertaling van "treatment in patients " (Frans → Nederlands) :


complications dues à un appareillage médical incidents survenus au patient au cours d'actes médicaux et chirurgicaux substance médicamenteuse appropriée et correctement administrée à dose thérapeutique ou prophylactique, mais cause d'un effet indésirable quelconque réactions anormales de patients ou complications tardives causées par des interventions médicales et chirurgicales, sans mention d'incident au cours de l'intervention

complicaties van medische hulpmiddelen | genees- en heelkundige verrichtingen als oorzaak van afwijkende reactie van patiënt, of van latere complicatie, zonder vermelding van afwijkende gang van zaken tijdens verrichting | juist geneesmiddel op juiste wijze toegediend in therapeutische of profylactische dosering als oorzaak van elk ongewenst gevolg | ongelukken met patiënten tijdens genees- en heelkundige behandeling

Définition: Le patient attribue ses symptômes au trouble somatique d'un système ou d'un organe innervé et contrôlé, en grande partie ou entièrement, par le système neurovégétatif: système cardio-vasculaire, gastro-intestinal, respiratoire, et urogénital. Les symptômes sont habituellement de deux types, aucun des deux n'évoquant un trouble somatique de l'organe ou du système concerné. Le premier type concerne des plaintes en rapport avec des signes objectifs d'un hyperfonctionnement neurovégétatif, par exemple des palpitations, une transpiration, des bouffées de chaleur ou de froid, des tremblements ...[+++]

Omschrijving: De klachten worden door de patiënt gebracht alsof ze het gevolg zijn van een lichamelijke ziekte van een orgaansysteem of orgaan dat grotendeels of volledig onder autonome innervatie en controle staat, d.w.z. het cardiovasculaire, gastro-intestinale, respiratoire en urogenitale systeem. De klachten zijn doorgaans van twee typen, die geen van beide duiden op een lichamelijke stoornis van het betrokken orgaan of systeem. Ten eerste zijn er klachten op grond van objectieve symptomen van autonome prikkeling, zoals hartkloppingen, zweten, blozen, ...[+++]

enseignement au patient concernant la déclaration des droits du patient

patiënteneducatie over rechten van patiënt

double aveugle (en-) | ni les patients ni les médecins ne connaissent la nature des traitements administrés

dubbelblind | zonder medeweten van de zieke en de arts

La World Psychiatric Association (2) recommande : " No treatment should be provided against the patient's will, unless withholding treatment would endanger the life of the patient and/or those who surround him or her.

De World Psychiatric Association (2) stelt dat: ‘no treatment should be provided against the patient’s will, unless withholding treatment would endanger the life of the patient and/or those who surround him or her.

A Retrospective Analysis of Surgical Treatment in Patients With Symptomatic Hallux Rigidus: Long-Term Follow-Up The objective of this retrospective study was to analyze the long-term clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction of operative care in patients with symptomatic hallux rigidus.

A Retrospective Analysis of Surgical Treatment in Patients With Symptomatic Hallux Rigidus: Long-Term Follow-Up The objective of this retrospective study was to analyze the long-term clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction of operative care in patients with symptomatic halluxrigidus.

randomized trials.1 Effective strategies for the secondary prevention of stroke include treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, antithrombotic therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation, and antiplatelet therapy (Evidence level 1). 1 Statins are effective in the prevention of stroke, although evidence remains limited to heart disease patients (Evidence level 1). 2, 3

treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, antithrombotic therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation, and antiplatelet therapy (Evidence level 1).1 Statins are effective in the prevention of stroke, although evidence remains limited to heart disease patients (Evidence level 1).2, 3

For primary prevention of stroke, adequate blood pressure reduction, and treatment of hyperlipidemia, use of antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and of antiplatelet therapy in patients with myocardial infarction are effective and supported by evidence from several

For primary prevention of stroke, adequate blood pressure reduction, and treatment of hyperlipidemia, use of antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and of antiplatelet therapy in patients with myocardial infarction are effective and supported by evidence from several randomized trials.1 Effective strategies for the secondary prevention of stroke include

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Treatment must always be in the best interest of the patient" .

Treatment must always be in the best interest of the patient’.

The optimal scenario for informing the patient with regard to decisions related to reimbursement of products linked to a specific treatment is similar to the previous one but ( Figure 8) presents a higher number of respondents choosing “inside the organs” and “at each step”.

The optimal scenario for informing the patient with regard to decisions related to reimbursement of products linked to a specific treatment is similar to the previous one but (Figure 8) presents a higher number of respondents choosing “inside the organs” and “at each step”. Only 26% would choose to inform the patient outside the existing organs, and with a stronger preference on informing after the decision is taken.

Différents instruments sont disponibles pour mesurer la qualité de vie. Certains instruments sont spécifiquement adaptés à la maladie, comme par exemple, le questionnaire relatif à la qualité de vie des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein de l'European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).

levenskwaliteit van patiënten die aan borstkanker lijden van de European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).

In this case the intent-to-treat analysis can give unrealistically narrow confidence intervals if substantial numbers of patients elect to have the treatment they were not randomized to receive 22 .

In this case the intent-to-treat analysis can give unrealistically narrow confidence intervals if substantial numbers of patients elect to have the treatment they were not randomized to receive 21 .

patients remain on one type of treatment throughout their smoking cessation therapy costs and consequences of side-effects of Buproprion or NRT were not taken into account

patients remain on one type of treatment throughout their smoking cessation therapy costs and consequences of side-effects of bupropion or NRT were not taken into account

17. Nelson JC, Kennedy JS, Pollock BG, Laghrissi-Thode F, Narayan M, Nobler MS et al. Treatment of major depression with Nortriptyline and paroxetine in patients with ischemic heart disease.

17. Nelson JC, Kennedy JS, Pollock BG, Laghrissi-Thode F, Narayan M, Nobler MS et al. Treatment of major depression with nortriptyline and paroxetine in patients with ischemic heart disease.

Anderen hebben gezocht naar : névrose cardiaque     syndrome de da costa     baigner le patient     chaise ergonomique pour patient     côlon irritable     diarrhée     double aveugle     dyspepsie     dysurie     flatulence     gastrique     habiller déshabiller un patient     hoquet     hyperventilation     mictions fréquentes     patient     risque     spasme du pylore     à risque     treatment in patients     

datacenter (12): (

treatment in patients ->

Date index: 2022-08-20