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Traduction de «courts and enforcement of judgments » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Pour une analyse récente, voir P. Vlas, « The Protocol on Interpretation of the EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments : over Ten Years in Legal Practice (1975-1985), in Netherland's International Law Rev.

Voor een recente studie : zie P. Vlas, « The Protocol on Interpretation of the EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments : over Ten Years in Legal Practice (1975-1985), in Netherland's International Law Rev.

Pour une analyse récente, voir P. Vlas, « The Protocol on Interpretation of the EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments : over Ten Years in Legal Practice (1975-1985), in Netherland's International Law Rev.

Voor een recente studie : zie P. Vlas, « The Protocol on Interpretation of the EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments : over Ten Years in Legal Practice (1975-1985), in Netherland's International Law Rev.

« J. considérant les conclusions du 3210 Conseil de l'Union européenne — Affaires générales du 11 décembre 2012 concernant « le processus d'élargissement, de stabilisation et d'association », et plus particulièrement celles concernant la Turquie, qui prévoient que: « Building on recent legislative improvements, the Council calls on Turkey to further improve the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms in law and in practice, in particular in the area of freedom of expression, and to enhance its efforts to implement all the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

« J. wijst op de conclusies van de 3210e Raad van de Europese Unie — Algemene Zaken van 11 december 2012 over het « enlargement and stabilistation and association process », meer bepaald op de conclusies betreffende Turkije, waarin het volgende staat : « Building on recent legislative improvements, the Council calls on Turkey to further improve the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms in law and in practice, in particular in the area of freedom of expression, and to enhance its efforts to implement all the judgments of the ...[+++]

The Commission notes the concerns expressed by the Honourable Member regarding the alleged practices of the Greek carriers but would like to highlight the fact that since 1 May 2004 the Commission and national competition authorities ("NCAs") as well as national courts of the EU Member States share responsibility for the enforcement of the EC competition rules.

De Commissie neemt nota van de zorgen die de geachte afgevaardigde uit over de vermeende praktijken van de Griekse kustvaarders, maar wil erop wijzen dat sinds 1 mei 2004 de Commissie en de nationale mededingingsautoriteiten alsmede de nationale rechtbanken van de lidstaten samen verantwoordelijk zijn voor de handhaving van de mededingingsregels van de EG.

Cependant, évitons de suivre le modèle américain qui a court-circuité le secteur en votant en 2006 la loi Bush «Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act», qui criminalise toute transaction bancaire et tout transfert d’argent par l’intermédiaire de sites de paris en ligne.

Laten we echter niet het voorbeeld volgen van de Amerikanen en de ophaalbrug ophalen door de wetgeving van Bush uit 2006 in te voeren, de zogeheten 'Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act', volgens welke het strafbaar is voor banken om via goksites op internet geldmiddelen te verwerken of over te maken.

En Irlande, voir Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of judgments (European Communities) Act 1988, Section 13 et 5 in Schedule.

Voor Ierland, zie Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments (European Communities) Act 1988, Section 13 en 5 in Schedule.





'1 . documents which establish that, according to the law of the State of origin, the judgment is enforceable and has been served ; '.

'1 . documents which establish that, according to the law of the State of origin, the judgment is enforceable and has been served ; '.

'The court with which the appeal under Article 37 ( 1 ) is lodged may, on the application of the appellant, stay the proceedings if an ordinary appeal has been lodged against the judgment in the State of origin or if the time '.

'The court with which the appeal under Article 37 ( 1 ) is lodged may, on the application of the appellant, stay the proceedings if an ordinary appeal has been lodged against the judgment in the State of origin or if the time '.

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courts and enforcement of judgments ->

Date index: 2022-04-28