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Traduction de «economic and social development of the least developed » (Français → Néerlandais) :

14. Considers it essential, in this context, to establish a strong link between immigration policy and cooperation and development aid policy with a view to reducing disparities between countries of origin, transit and destination and promoting the economic and social development of the least developed countries (particularly « regions with a high migration potential »);

14. à cet égard, juge indispensable d'établir un lien fort entre la politique d'immigration et celle de coopération et d'aide au développement pour réduire les divergences entre les pays d'origine, de transit et de destination et promouvoir le développement économique et social des pays les moins avancés (en particulier, des « régions à forte potentialité migratoire »);

Her research covers creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and their impact on the economic and social development.

Her research covers creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and their impact on the economic and social development.

E. whereas one of the effects of the growing migratory pressure from the least developed countries is to increase the economic, technological and social gap between North and South;

E. considérant que la pression migratoire croissante des pays les moins avancés résulte, entre autres, de l'accentuation de l'écart économique, technologique et social Nord-Sud,

[30] Document de travail des services de la Commission du 14.3.2012 intitulé «Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020 for the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund», SWD(2012) 61 final, partie II.

[30] Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020 - the European Regional Development Fund the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie van 14.3.2012 (SWD (2012) 61 final, part II).

A major threat to stable social and economic development with higher economic growth is coming from the HIV/AIDS pandemic .

A major threat to stable social and economic development with higher economic growth is coming from the HIV/AIDS pandemic .

While the country has an advanced physical infrastructure as well as sophisticated financial, IT and telecommunication networks similar to those of the developed world[4], it also faces extreme deprivation and exclusion and a level of poverty that compares to most least-developed countries.

While the country has an advanced physical infrastructure as well as sophisticated financial, IT and telecommunication networks similar to those of the developed world[4], it also faces extreme deprivation and exclusion and a level of poverty that compares to most least-developed countries.

2.2.2. [22] Voir, par exemple, le Mémorandum d'Eurada, Réponse aux dix questions du deuxième rapport sur la cohésion économique et sociale : « The approach whereby the regions of the Accession Countries are offered Objective 1 status without prior consideration of the appropriateness of the concept in regions of the typology and state of economic development encountered in those countries seems to lack ambition ».

[22] Zie onder andere het Memorandum van de Eurada, een reactie op de tien onderwerpen van het tweede verslag over de economische en sociale cohesie: "The approach whereby the regions of the Accession Countries are offered Objective 1 status without prior consideration of the appropriateness of the concept in regions of the typology and state of economic development encountered in those countries seems to lack ambition".

16. takes note of the plan for a constitutional amendment aimed at partially lifting the restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language; hopes that this gesture will be followed by others leading to a comprehensive solution of the Kurdish problem and to constitutional provisions on cultural rights that will entitle the different cultural communities on Turkish soil to affirm their identity freely without jeopardising the unity of the country, in accordance with the spirit of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages; urges therefore the Turkish authorities to speed up the implementation of the global strategy for ...[+++]

16. neemt nota van de voorgenomen grondwetswijziging tot gedeeltelijke afschaffing van de beperkingen op het gebruik van de Koerdische taal; hoopt dat dit gebaar wordt gevolgd door andere die resulteren in een algemene oplossing van het Koerdenvraagstuk en in grondwetsbepalingen inzake culturele rechten die de diverse culturele gemeenschappen in Turkije in staat zullen stellen om vrijelijk voor hun identiteit uit te komen zonder de eenheid van het land in gevaar te brengen, overeenkomstig de geest van het Kaderverdrag voor de bescher ...[+++]

[4] On trouvera un aperçu de l'évolution internationale et des activités des organisations internationales dans un document de l'OIT établi à l'occasion de la réunion de novembre 2000 du Groupe de travail sur la dimension sociale de la mondialisation: Developments in other organisations: Overview of developments in other international organisations and bodies relevant ...[+++]

[4] Een overzicht van de internationale ontwikkelingen en activiteiten van internationale organisaties is te vinden in het IAO-document voor de vergadering van november 2000 van de werkgroep Sociale dimensies van globalisering: Ontwikkelingen in andere organisaties: overzicht van ontwikkelingen in andere internationale organisaties en organen die relevant zijn voor het werk van de werkgroep, GB.279/WP/SDG/1.

ANNEX List of reports from the Commission to the European Council - Exchange rate relations between participating and non-participating countries in stage three of EMU - Report on small and medium-sized enterprises (a dynamic source of employment, growth and competitiveness in the EU) - Report on progress on Trans-European Networks - Report on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality and on simplification and codification - Progress report on the pre-accession strategy with the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Study on alternative strategies for the ...[+++]

BIJLAGE LIJST VAN DE DOOR DE COMMISSIE AAN DE EUROPESE RAAD VOORGELEGDE VERSLAGEN - Wisselkoersbetrekkingen tussen deelnemende en niet-deelnemende landen in de derde fase van de EMU. - Het midden- en kleinbedrijf : een dynamische bron van werkgelegenheid, groei en concurrentievermogen in de Europese Unie. - Verslag over de voortgang van de transeuropese netwerken. - Verslag over de toepassing van de beginselen van subsidiariteit en proportionaliteit, over vereenvoudiging en codificatie. - Voortgangsrapport over de strategie ter voorbereiding van toetreding van de geassocieerde landen in Midden- en Oost-Europa. - Studie inzake mogelijke s ...[+++]
