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Accise sur le thé et les extraits de thé
Brûlure due au contact avec du thé chaud
Cacao instantané
Café instantané
Filtre HEPA
Filtre THE
Filtre absolu
Filtre à air à très haute efficacité
Filtre à haute performance
Filtre à particules à haute efficacité
Filtre à très haute efficacité
Produit instantané
Recommander des variétés de thé et de café aux clients
The doctrine of forum conveniens
The doctrine of forum non conveniens
Thé au lait
Thé instantané
Thé noir sucré
Ultra filtre

Traduction de «for the further » (Français → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
négociante grossiste en café, thé, cacao et épices | négociant grossiste en café, thé, cacao et épices | négociant grossiste en café, thé, cacao et épices/négociante grossiste en café, thé, cacao et épices

groothandelaar in koffie, thee, cacao en specerijen

recommander des variétés de thé et de café aux clients | conseiller les clients sur les variétés de thé et de café | proposer des conseils aux clients en matière de thé et café

klanten helpen bij hun keuze voor soorten thee of koffie | klanten vertellen welke soorten thee of koffie er aangeboden worden | klanten over de beschikbare soorten thee en koffie informeren | klanten over de soorten thee en koffie informeren

brûlure due au contact avec du thé chaud

verbranding als gevolg van contact met hete thee

the doctrine of forum conveniens | the doctrine of forum non conveniens

Northern Ireland) | the doctrine of forum conveniens(England and Wales | the doctrine of forum non conveniens(Scotland)

filtre à air à très haute efficacité | filtre à haute performance | filtre à particules à haute efficacité | filtre à très haute efficacité | filtre absolu | ultra filtre | filtre HEPA [Abbr.] | filtre THE [Abbr.]

absoluutfilter | HEPA-filter | hoogefficiënt deeltjesluchtfilter

accise sur le thé et les extraits de thé

accijns op thee

produit instantané [ cacao instantané | café instantané | thé instantané ]

instantproduct [ instantkoffie | instantprodukt | oploscacao | oploskoffie | oplosthee | poederkoffie ]

ajouter des matériaux dans des machines de production de sachets de thé

materialen voor theezakjesmachines beheren
Please refer to the applicable secondary legislation pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 for further details on the fields, description and meaning for the Member States' trusted lists».

Please refer to the applicable secondary legislation pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 for further details on the fields, description and meaning for the Member States' trusted lists”.

6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 Additional information 6.2 Further information sources 7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT 7.1 Date 7.2 Signature 7.3 Capacity 7.4 Official stamp or seal 8. INFORMATION ON THE FLEMISH EDUCATION SYSTEM 8.1 Information on the Flemish education system in general and of the higher vocational education in particular Vu pour être annexé à l'arrêté du Gouvernement flamand du 27 février 2015 fixant la forme du certificat partiel et du diplôme d'enseignement supérieur professionnel hbo5 et le contenu du supplément ...[+++]

6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 Additional information 6.2 Further information sources 7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT 7.1 Date 7.2 Signature 7.3 Capacity 7.4 Official stamp or seal 8. INFORMATION ON THE FLEMISH EDUCATION SYSTEM 8.1 Information on the Flemish education system in general and of the higher vocational education in particular Gezien om gevoegd te worden bij het besluit van de Vlaamse Regering van 27 februari 2015 tot vaststelling van het deelcertificaat en het diploma van het hoger beroepsonderwijs, en de inhoud van het bijbehorende diplomasupplement.

— article 15.2: est remplacé par « notwithstanding termination of this agreement pursuant to Paragraph (1) of the Article, this Agreement shall continue (to be) effective for a further period of ten years from the date of its termination in respect of investments made or acquired before the date of termination of this agreement».

— artikel 15.2 : wordt vervangen door « notwithstanding termination of this agreement pursuant to Paragraph (1) of the Article, this Agreement shall continue effective for a further period of ten years from the date of its termination in respect of investments made or acquired before the date of termination of this agreement».

« J. considérant les conclusions du 3210 Conseil de l'Union européenne — Affaires générales du 11 décembre 2012 concernant « le processus d'élargissement, de stabilisation et d'association », et plus particulièrement celles concernant la Turquie, qui prévoient que: « Building on recent legislative improvements, the Council calls on Turkey to further improve the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms in law and in practice, in particular in the area of freedom of expression, and to enhance its efforts to implement all the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

« J. wijst op de conclusies van de 3210e Raad van de Europese Unie — Algemene Zaken van 11 december 2012 over het « enlargement and stabilistation and association process », meer bepaald op de conclusies betreffende Turkije, waarin het volgende staat : « Building on recent legislative improvements, the Council calls on Turkey to further improve the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms in law and in practice, in particular in the area of freedom of expression, and to enhance its efforts to implement all the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

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— article 15.2: est remplacé par « notwithstanding termination of this agreement pursuant to Paragraph (1) of the Article, this Agreement shall continue (to be) effective for a further period of ten years from the date of its termination in respect of investments made or acquired before the date of termination of this agreement».

— artikel 15.2 : wordt vervangen door « notwithstanding termination of this agreement pursuant to Paragraph (1) of the Article, this Agreement shall continue effective for a further period of ten years from the date of its termination in respect of investments made or acquired before the date of termination of this agreement».

Ces critères étaient expliqués en détail dans les termes suivants: «Value for the assets in scope of the respective offer; Potential value implications for those assets that are not included in the respective offer, if any; Costs for further separation of the assets in scope of the respective offer, if any; Costs to fulfil key assumptions and conditions of the respective offer; Closing probability».

Deze selectiecriteria werden als volgt nader toegelicht: „Value for the assets in scope of the respective offer; Potential value implications for those assets that are not included in the respective offer, if any; Costs for further separation of the assets in scope of the respective offer, if any; Costs to fulfil key assumptions and conditions of the respective offer; Closing probability”.

Please note that the Vendors may choose the parties which will qualify for the further process shortly after the updated timeline ends» (66).

Please note that the Vendors may choose the parties which will qualify for the further process shortly after the updated timeline ends” (66)

Le gouvernement belge a suivi l'élaboration du document final intitulé « Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action ».

De Belgische regering volgde de tot standkoming van het resultaat-document « Futher actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action » op.

Le 9 juin 2000, jour de la clôture de la session extraordinaire, l'assemblée plénière a approuvé le document final, intitulé « Final Outcome document : further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action » (25).

Op de slotdag van 9 juni 2000 werd door de plenaire vergadering het « Final Outcome document : Futher actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action » goedgekeurd (25).

The 2005 Policy Plan on legal migration sets out the broad lines for further development of a common European policy on legal and, in particular, labour immigration , which is an important component of EU policies to compensate the negative effects of demographic ageing and meet the changing needs of labour markets.

The 2005 Policy Plan on legal migration sets out the broad lines for further development of a common European policy on legal and, in particular, labour immigration , which is an important component of EU policies to compensate the negative effects of demographic ageing and meet the changing needs of labour markets.

datacenter (12): (

for the further ->

Date index: 2022-07-06