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Vertaling van "has the right to freedom from " (Frans → Nederlands) :

La Constitution néo-zélandaise (Article 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), la Constitution canadienne (Article 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantage ...[+++]

Nieuw-Zeeland (Artikel 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), Canada (Artikel 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic ...[+++]

« J. considérant les conclusions du 3210 Conseil de l'Union européenne — Affaires générales du 11 décembre 2012 concernant « le processus d'élargissement, de stabilisation et d'association », et plus particulièrement celles concernant la Turquie, qui prévoient que: « Building on recent legislative improvements, the Council calls on Turkey to further improve the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms in law and in practice, in particular in the area of freedom of expression, and to enhance its efforts to imp ...[+++]

« J. wijst op de conclusies van de 3210e Raad van de Europese Unie — Algemene Zaken van 11 december 2012 over het « enlargement and stabilistation and association process », meer bepaald op de conclusies betreffende Turkije, waarin het volgende staat : « Building on recent legislative improvements, the Council calls on Turkey to further improve the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms in law and in practice, in particular in the area of freedom of expression, and to enhance its efforts to implement all th ...[+++]

C. whereas the immigration policy pursued by the EU and the Mediterranean partner countries (MPCs) should ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of asylum seekers and economic immigrants, as guaranteed by several international conventions, with particular reference to the 1990 UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families;

C. considérant que la politique de l'UE et des pays partenaires méditerranéens (PPM) en matière d'immigration doit assurer le respect des droits et des libertés des demandeurs d'asile et des immigrants économiques, tels que garantis par plusieurs conventions internationales, notamment la Convention internationale sur la protection des droits de tous les travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille (Nations Unies, 1990),

2. Calls on the EU and its Member States to undertake to introduce integration policies seeking to ensure that due respect is shown for the rights and freedoms of immigrants legally resident within the EU and that, at the same time, the latter show due respect for the duties incumbent on citizens in their host society and the shared values of that society;

2. demande à l'UE et à ses États membres de s'engager à instaurer des politiques d'intégration visant à assurer, d'un côté, le respect des droits et libertés des immigrés y résidant légalement et, de l'autre, le respect par ceux-ci des obligations de citoyenneté et de la communauté des valeurs de la société d'accueil;

La disposition suivante est très pertinente: « the right of freedom of expression imposes an obligation on all states to devote adequate resources to promote Universal access to the Internet, including via public acces points (7) ».

Hierin is volgende bepaling zeer pertinent : « the right of freedom of expression imposes an obligation on all states to devote adequate resources to promote Universal access to the Internet, including via public acces points (7) ».

Lors du Conseil Affaires étrangères de l'Union européenne du 9 février 2015, les États membres de l'UE, dont la Belgique, ont adopté des conclusions sur les priorités 2015 de l'UE pour le Conseil des droits de de l'Homme des Nations Unies qui demande "an adequate and effective response from the HRC to the worrying state of affairs in South Sudan, where hostilities have led to large-scale human rights violations".

Tijdens de Raad Buitenlandse Zaken van de Europese Unie van 9 februari 2015 hebben de lidstaten van de EU, waaronder België, conclusies aangenomen over de prioriteiten van 2015 van de Europese Unie voor de Mensenrechtenraad van de Verenigde Naties, die verzoekt om "an adequate and effective response from the HRC to the worrying state of affairs in South Sudan, where hostilities have led to large-scale human rights violations".

Lors du Conseil Affaires étrangères de l'Union européenne du 9 février 2015, les États membres de l'UE, dont la Belgique, ont adopté des conclusions sur les priorités 2015 de l'Union européenne pour le Conseil des droits de de l'Homme des Nations Unies qui demande "an adequate and effective response from the HRC to the worrying state of affairs in South Sudan, where hostilities have led to large-scale human rights violations".

Tijdens de Raad Buitenlandse Zaken van de Europese Unie van 9 februari 2015 hebben de lidstaten van de EU, waaronder België, conclusies aangenomen over de prioriteiten van 2015 van de Europese Unie voor de Mensenrechtenraad van de Verenigde Naties, die verzoekt om "an adequate and effective response from the HRC to the worrying state of affairs in South Sudan, where hostilities have led to large-scale human rights violations".

- strongly condemned the repression of civil society movements in Iran, including women's rights defenders, and urged the Iranian authorities to end the harassment, intimidation and persecution of people peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression, association and assembly, and to release immediately and unconditionally all prisoners of conscience.

- strongly condemned the repression of civil society movements in Iran, including women's rights defenders, and urged the Iranian authorities to end the harassment, intimidation and persecution of people peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression, association and assembly, and to release immediately and unconditionally all prisoners of conscience.

J'avais personnellement déposé pour la première partie de l'amendement un amendement oral qui figure dans les listes de vote et qui permet de dire: applying the principle that no restriction may be imposed on the fundamental rights and freedoms of end-users.

Ik heb zelf een mondeling amendement ingediend op het eerste onderdeel van dit amendement. Dat mondeling amendement staat op de stemlijst en luidt als volgt: “toepassing van het beginsel volgens welk er geen enkele beperking aan de rechten en fundamentele vrijheden van de eindgebruikers dient te worden opgelegd”.

Le rapporteur partage l'avis de la Commission (document de travail des services de la Commission, p. 14), qui s'exprime en ces termes: "In line with their common belief that full respect for human rights is the best guarantee for sustainable economic development and social stability, the two partners should hold regular exchanges of views, on issues such as: gender discrimination; minorities’ rights, in particular caste-based discrimination; religious freedom; the death penalty ...[+++]

De rapporteur deelt het standpunt van de Commissie, uitgedrukt in het Werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie, blz. 14), dat, ‘in overeenstemming met hun gezamenlijke overtuiging dat de volledige eerbied voor de mensenrechten de beste garantie is voor duurzame economische ontwikkeling en sociale stabiliteit, de twee partners regelmatig van gedachten moeten wisselen over kwesties als: discriminatie op grond van geslacht, de rechten van minderheden, in het bijzonder discriminatie op grond van kaste, godsdienstvrijheid, de doodstraf, de strijd tegen terrorisme, milieurechten’.

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has the right to freedom from ->

Date index: 2024-01-21