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Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement
Bureau central national
Commission régionale ONU
Commission régionale des Nations unies
Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Europe
Conseil d'administration du PNUE
Fonds d'équipement des Nations unies
Fonds de l'ONU
Fonds des Nations unies
Force d'intervention des Nations unies au Mozambique
Office national suisse du tourisme
Opération des Nations unies au Mozambique
Opération des Nations unies pour le Mozambique
Plan national d'allocation
Plan national d'allocation de quotas
Plan national d'allocation de quotas de CO2
Principes comptables nationaux généralement admis
Programme de l'ONU
Programme des Nations unies
Programme des Nations unies pour le développement
Programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies
Programmes et fonds de l'ONU
Programmes et fonds des Nations unies
Transiter par un territoire national
Volontaires des Nations unies

Vertaling van "including national " (Frans → Nederlands) :

commission régionale ONU [ CEA | CENUE | CEPALC | CESAO | CESAP | Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Afrique | Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes | Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Europe | Commission économique et sociale des Nations unies pour l'Asie et le Pacifique | Commission économique et sociale des Nations unies pour l'Asie occidentale | commission régionale des Nations unies ]

regionale VN-commissie [ ECA | ECLAC | Economische Commissie voor Afrika | Economische Commissie voor Europa | Economische Commissie voor Latijns-Amerika en het Caribisch Gebied | Economische en Sociale Commissie voor Azië en het Stille-Oceaangebied | Economische en Sociale Commissie voor West-Azië | ECSWA | ESCAP | regionale commissie van de Verenigde Naties | VN-ECE ]

Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement | Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement du Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement | Conseil d'administration du PNUE | Conseil d'administration du programme des N.U.pour l'environnement | Conseil d'administration du Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement | L'Assemblée des Nations Unies pour l’environnement du PNUE

Beheersraad van het Milieuprogramma van de Verenigde Naties | Beheersraad van het UNEP | Milieuvergadering van de Verenigde Naties | Milieuvergadering van de Verenigde Naties voor het Milieuprogramma van de Verenigde Naties | UNEA [Abbr.]

Programme des Nations unies pour le développement [ FENU | Fonds d'équipement des Nations unies | Fonds de développement des Nations unies pour la femme | PNUD | programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies | Unifem | VNU | Volontaires des Nations unies ]

Ontwikkelingsprogramma van de Verenigde Naties [ Kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds van de Verenigde Naties | Ontwikkelingsfonds van de Verenigde Naties voor vrouwen | UNCDF | UNDP | Unifem | UNV | vrijwilligers van de Verenigde Naties ]

programmes et fonds de l'ONU [ fonds de l'ONU | fonds des Nations unies | programme de l'ONU | programme des Nations unies | programmes et fonds des Nations unies ]

programma's en fondsen van de VN

plan national d'allocation | plan national d'allocation de quotas | plan national d'allocation de quotas de CO2 | plan national d'allocation de quotas d'émission de gaz à effet de serre | PNAQ [Abbr.]

nationaal plan voor de toewijzing van broeikasgasemissierechten | nationaal toewijzingsplan | NTP [Abbr.]

Force d'intervention des Nations unies au Mozambique | Opération des Nations unies au Mozambique | Opération des Nations unies pour le Mozambique | ONUMOZ [Abbr.]

VN-interventiemacht in Mozambique

bureau central national de l'Organisation Internationale de Police Criminelle | bureau central national [ BCN ]

nationaal centraal bureau van de Internationale Politie-organisatie (Interpol) | nationaal centraal bureau [ NCB ]

principes comptables généralement reconnus au niveau national | principes comptables nationaux généralement admis

nationale algemeen aanvaarde boekhoudbeginselen | nationale algemeen aanvaarde boekhoudprincipes

Office national suisse du tourisme [ ONST ]

National Zwitsers Verkeersbureau

transiter par un territoire national

via een grondgebied reizen
p. Develop and implement, where appropriate, methodologies and tools, including national indicators, for gender-responsive planning and budgeting, in order to systematically incorporate gender perspectives into budgetary policies at all levels, with a view to promoting gender equality in all policy areas;

p. Develop and implement, where appropriate, methodologies and tools, including national indicators, for gender-responsive planning and budgeting, in order to systematically incorporate gender perspectives into budgetary policies at all levels, with a view to promoting gender equality in all policy areas;

Cette restriction de la limitation horizontale services publics doit être lue en conjonction avec la déclaration écrite de la Commission européenne rédigée à l'attention de la Belgique: « The exclusion of telecommunications and computer and related services from the scope of the public utilities limitation will in itself neither affect the current EC and national regulatory regimes, including as regards the modalities for financing public service obligations such as universal service, nor the future evolution of this regime as regards the scope of universal/public service obl ...[+++]

Deze afbakening van de horizontale beperking openbare diensten ligt ook in de lijn van de schriftelijke verklaring die de Europese Commissie aan België richtte : « The exclusion of telecommunications and computer and related services from the scope of the public utilities limitation will in itself neither affect the current EC and national regulatory regimes, including as regards the modalities for financing public service obligations such as universal service, nor the future evolution of this regime as regards the scope of universal/public service obligations and non-discrim ...[+++]

The panelists included : Ms. Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont; Ms. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, New School Graduate Programme in International Affairs, New York; Ms. Elizabeth Eilor, Independent Consultant on gender equality and macroeconomics, Uganda; Ms. Shamika Sirimanne, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP); and Ms. Mayra Buvinic, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

The panelists included : Ms. Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont; Ms.

Dans son rapport de 1999, le Comité R avait signalé qu'une disposition de l'Intelligence Authorisation Act for Fiscal Year 2000 requérait que le Director of Central Intelligence, le Director of the National Security, et l'Attorney General présentent aux commissions parlementaires, dans les soixantes jours suivant la promulgation de cette loi, un rapport dans deux versions (classifiée et non classifiée), « describing the legal standards employed by elements of the intelligence community in conducting signals intelligence activities, including electronic surveill ...[+++]

In zijn rapport van 1999 wees het Comité I op een bepaling van de « Intelligence Authorisation Act for Fiscal Year 2000 » die de Director of Central intelligence, de Director of the National Security, en de Attorney General opdroeg om aan de parlementaire commissies, binnen de 60 dagen na afkondiging van deze wet, een rapport voor te leggen in twee versies (geclassificeerd en niet geclassificeerd) « describing the legal standards employed by elements of the intelligence community in conducting signals intelligence activities, including electronic surveill ...[+++]

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La Constitution néo-zélandaise (Article 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), la Constitution canadienne (Article 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because ...[+++]

Nieuw-Zeeland (Artikel 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), Canada (Artikel 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, ...[+++]

Should Cyprus decides to apply this Decision according to Article 2 (3), Cyprus would be obliged to recognize all documents cover by Article 2 (1) and (2) including visas with limited territorial validity issued to nationals of Kosovo, although it does not yet recognize Kosovo, until Cyprus is fully implementing the Schengen aquis.

Should Cyprus decides to apply this Decision according to Article 2 (3), Cyprus would be obliged to recognize all documents cover by Article 2 (1) and (2) including visas with limited territorial validity issued to nationals of Kosovo, although it does not yet recognize Kosovo, until Cyprus is fully implementing the Schengen aquis.

Thr General Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD), who has spent thirteen of the last eighteen years as a political prisoner under house arrest, had her house arrest extended by the junta, and where on 11 June 2008 official newspapers of the Burmese military junta, including the regime's mouthpiece, The New Light of Myanmar, called for the public flogging of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and whereas the military junta has refused to distance itself from this suggestion.

Thr General Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD), who has spent thirteen of the last eighteen years as a political prisoner under house arrest, had her house arrest extended by the junta, and where on 11 June 2008 official newspapers of the Burmese military junta, including the regime's mouthpiece, The New Light of Myanmar, called for the public flogging of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and whereas the military junta has refused to distance itself from this suggestion.

L'avis des hauts fonctionnaires a été sollicité pour les points suivants: A. Differentiate among types of peace operation, e.g: i) Be limited to only those operations under a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) mandate that are delivered by the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations, or ii) Also include UNSC mandated peacekeeping operations that are delivered by a regional organisation, or iii) Further include peacekeeping operations mandated and carried out by regional organisations, B. .expand ODA eligibility definitions to allow ...[+++]

De SLM werd gevraagd advies te verlenen over: A. Differentiate among types of peace operation, e.g.: i) Be limited to only those operations under a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) mandate that are delivered by the Department of Peace-Keeping Operations, or ii) Also include UNSC mandated peacekeeping operations that are delivered by a regional organisation, or iii) Further include peacekeeping operations mandated and carried out by regional organisations, B. .expand ODA eligibility definitions to allow the specified activities u ...[+++]

1. a) Les comptes environnementaux sont établis selon une méthodologie développée au niveau européen: l'EPEA (Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts) pour les comptes monétaires relatifs aux dépenses de protection de l'environnement et le NAMEA (National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts) pour ceux liés à la pollution de l'air et de l'eau.

1. a) De milieurekeningen werden samengesteld op basis van een methodologie die op Europees vlak werd ontwikkeld. Voor de monetaire rekeningen in verband met de uitgaven voor milieubescherming gaat het om de EPEA (Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts).

Une même analyse est effectuée par la Commission européenne dans le numéro 12 des «Euro papers» «Preparations for the changeover of public administrations to the euro»: «At first, major international enterprises as well as commercial banks, followed by export-oriented small and medium enterprises, demanded the option to be able to totally change over their operations into the euro unit well before 2002, including financial flows and communications with their national administrations, such as the transmittal of company accounts and the ...[+++]

In nummer 12 van de «Euro papers» «Preparations for the changeover of public administrations to the euro» verricht de Europese Commissie dezelfde analyse: «At first, major international enterprises as well as commercial banks, followed by export-oriented small and medium enterprises, demanded the option to be able to totally change over their operations into the euro unit well before 2002, including financial flows and communications with their national administrations, such as the transmittal of company accounts and the declaration a ...[+++]
