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Traduction de «the commission and parliament have taken » (Français → Néerlandais) :

I hope that the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission will be able to reach an agreement here.

Ich hoffe, dass das Europäische Parlament, der Rat und die Kommission sich hier noch einigen werden.

At the EU-US Summit a few days ago, we and the United States agreed to intensify the transatlantic economic partnership — an idea which certain Members of the European Parliament have supported for some time and which has been much advocated.

Wir haben mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vor einigen Tagen auf dem EUUSA-Gipfel vereinbart, dass wir die transatlantische Wirtschaftspartnerschaft intensivieren wollen — eine Idee, die bereits lange von Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments vertreten wird und für die viel geworben wurde.

Let me, at this juncture, thank you, Ms. Mayanja and Ms. Hannan, as well as all the other members of the UN Secretariat and their predecessors, who over the last fifty years, have serviced this commission with such expertise and dedication.

Let me, at this juncture, thank you, Ms. Mayanja and Ms.

C'est donc bien volontiers que je vous livre, pour préciser mon propos, une des conclusions de la commission spéciale d'enquête : « The all-party parliamentary committee concluded that British troops are having their safety compromised by ageing or inadequate equipment which urgently needs replacing.

Ik geef u dan ook graag ter duiding volgende conclusie mee van de bijzondere onderzoekscommissie: " The all-party parliamentary committee concluded that British troops are having their safety compromised by ageing or inadequate equipment which urgently needs replacing.

I have had numerous meetings with the industry in Scotland, and with consumer groups and the farmers themselves, and there has been pretty well universal support and approval for the way that the Commission and Parliament have taken this forward and particularly for our rapporteur.

In Schotland heb ik talrijke ontmoetingen met de sector, consumentengroepen en de landbouwers zelf gehad en er is vrijwel algemene steun voor en instemming met de wijze waarop de Commissie en het Parlement deze kwestie hebben aangepakt. In het bijzonder is men tevreden over het werk dat onze rapporteur heeft verricht.

(EN) «reiterates also Parliament’s request to the Commission and Member States to inform the European Parliament about loans granted by export credit agencies and the European Investment Bank to projects that have a negative impact on the climate».

"herhaalt ook zijn verzoek aan de Europese Commissie en de lidstaten om het Europees Parlement te informeren over door uitvoerkredietdiensten en de Europese Investeringsbank toegestane leningen voor projecten die een negatieve weerslag op het klimaat hebben".

Our world is riven by injustice and fear for the future, and driven indeed by simple-minded neo-liberal economics which have taken our world to the edge of the abyss.

Onze wereld wordt gedreven door onrechtvaardigheid en angst voor de toekomst en, sterker nog, gedreven door een simplistische neoliberale economische leer, die onze wereld tot op de rand van de afgrond heeft gebracht.

The amendment adapts the Rules of Procedure to the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission on procedures for implementing Council Decision 1999/468 EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, namely its paragraph 16, where for the Regulatory procedure with scrutiny it is foreseen that the time-limit for scrutiny by the two branches of the legislature exceptionally starts to run when Parliament receives the final draft implementing measures i ...[+++]

The amendment adapts the Rules of Procedure to the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission on procedures for implementing Council Decision 1999/468 EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, namely its paragraph 16. , where for the Regulatory procedure with scrutiny it is foreseen that the time-limit for scrutiny by the two branches of the legislature exceptionally starts to run when Parliament receives the final draft implementing measures ...[+++]

51. Points out that the difficulties facing the wine sector arising mainly from increasing wine imports from third countries and increasing numbers of wine stocks which exceed one year's production and have little prospect of being disposed of, exert a downward pressure on prices and producers' incomes and need to be tackled by the establishment of a set of basic priorities not taken into account in the abovementioned Commission ...[+++]

51. wijst erop dat de moeilijkheden waarmee de wijnsector te kampen heeft, voornamelijk als gevolg van een toenemende invoer van wijn uit derde landen en aangroeiende wijnvoorraden, die de jaarlijkse productie overstijgen en weinig vooruitzicht op afzetmogelijkheden bieden, een neerwaartse druk op de prijzen en het inkomen van de producenten uitoefenen en uit de weg geruimd moeten worden door een aantal elementaire prioriteiten vast te leggen die in voornoemde mededeling van de Commissie ...[+++]

C'est donc bien volontiers que je vous livre, pour préciser mon propos, une des conclusions de la commission spéciale d'enquête : « The all-party parliamentary committee concluded that British troops are having their safety compromised by ageing or inadequate equipment which urgently needs replacing.

Ik geef u dan ook graag ter duiding volgende conclussie mee van de bijzondere onderzoekscommissie : « The all-party parliamentary committee concluded that British troops are having their safety compromised by ageing or inadequate equipment which urgently needs replacing.

datacenter (12): (

the commission and parliament have taken ->

Date index: 2021-06-07