Index Min. = minimum, Max. = maximum, Bijlage = bijlage bij de geciteerde verordening, VDS = vetvrije droge stof, PG = peroxidegetal, V = voorkomen, S = smaak, C = consistentie, TKG = totaal kiemgetal, Therm = kiemgetal thermofielen, LS = lidstaat, IDF = Internationale Zuivelbond, ISO = Internationale Organisatie voor normalisatie, IUPAC = International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, ADPI = American Dairy Products Institute, GMS = gecondenseerde volle melk met suiker, GMR = geëvaporeerde melk of room.
Index Min. = minimum, Max. = maximum, Annex = Annex to quoted Regulation, SNF = solids non fat, PV = peroxide value, A = appearance, F = flavour, C = consistency, TBC = total bacterial count, Therm = thermophilic bacterial count, MS = Member State, IDF = International Dairy Federation, ISO = International Standards Organisation, IUPAC = International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, ADPI = American Dairy Products Institute, SCM = sweetened condensed milk, EMC = evaporated milk or cream.