stimulering van het toerisme in verband met gezondheid, welzijn, therapeutische redenen, educatieve doeleinden, cultureel toerisme, met name van regionale festivals en opvoeringen (opera, theater, dans, concerten, enz.), alsook van culturele evenementen zoals tentoonstellingen, het bijwonen van conferenties, oenologisch-gastronomische, historische of religieuze redenen, plattelands- of strandtoerisme, door cultureel erfgoed en gastronomie te benadrukken en in stand te houden;
encourage the promotion of health and wellbeing tourism (including spa tourism), educational tourism, cultural tourism, particularly regional festivals and performances (opera, theatre, dance, concerts, etc.) and cultural events such as exhibitions, congress tourism, wine and food tourism, historical and religious tourism, agri-tourism, and tourism capitalising on the maritime heritage, while promoting and conserving cultural and gastronomic traditions;