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Digitale overheid
E-human resource management
Elektronisch bestuur
Elektronische HRM
Elektronische administratie
Elektronische overheid
Elektronische regering
On line werkende overheid
On-line opleiding
On-line vorming

Traduction de «e-faith » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Europese Federatie van Verenigingen voor Industrieel en Technisch Erfgoed | E-FAITH [Abbr.]

European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage | E-FAITH [Abbr.]

digitale overheid (nom féminin) | e-administratie (nom féminin) | e-bestuur (nom neutre) | e-gov (nom neutre) | e-Gov (nom neutre) | eGovernment (nom neutre) | e-government (nom neutre) | e-Government (nom neutre) | elektronisch bestuur (nom neutre) | elektronische administratie (nom féminin) | elektronische overheid (nom féminin) | elektronische regering (nom féminin) | e-overheid (nom féminin) | e-regering (nom féminin) | on-lineadministratie (nom féminin) | on-lineoverheid (nom féminin) | on line werkende overheid (nom féminin)

e-administration (nom) | e-gov (nom) | e-Gov (nom) | eGovernment (nom) | e-government (nom) | e-Government (nom) | electronic administration (nom) | electronic government (nom) | electronic public administration (nom) | net government (nom) | online administration (nom) | on-line administration (nom) | online government (nom) | on-line government (nom)

E-learning | E-opleiding | E-vorming | On-line opleiding | On-line vorming

E-learning | E-training | On-line training

e-human resource management | elektronische HRM (e-HRM)

e-human resources management (e-HRM)
A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2013-2015' (Vervolgd en vergeten?

A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2013-2015’ and other reliable public sources;

4. dringt er bij de Zimbabwaanse autoriteiten op aan onder alle omstandigheden in te staan voor de fysieke en psychologische integriteit van de heren Okay Machisa en Leo Chamahwinya en van mevrouw Dorcas Shereni en mevrouw Faith Mamutse;

4. Calls upon the authorities of Zimbabwe to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Messrs Okay Machisa and Leo Chamahwinya, Ms Dorcas Shereni and Ms Faith Mamutse;

Persoonlijk ben ik er stellig van overtuigd dat godsdienst een positieve kracht kan zijn, en dat wordt bevestigd door het werk van de Faith Council in mijn eigen kiesdistrict in Oost-Engeland die wederzijds begrip stimuleert. Dit wordt ook weerspiegeld in de verplichting tot dialoog van de Europese Unie, zoals deze in onze resolutie wordt omschreven.

I personally have a strong conviction that religion can be a force for good, upheld by the work of the Faith Council in my own east-of-England constituency which promotes mutual understanding, a role mirrored in the European Union’s own obligations for dialogue, as outlined in our resolution.

(EN) ‘We strongly feel that without serious signs of good faith translated into tangible improvements on the ground, the time is not yet right to upgrade EU-Israel relations’.

‘We strongly feel that without serious signs of good faith translated into tangible improvements on the ground, the time is not yet right to upgrade EU-Israel relations’.

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(EN) ‘We strongly feel that without serious signs of good faith translated into tangible improvements on the ground, the time is not yet right to upgrade EU-Israel relations’ .

‘We strongly feel that without serious signs of good faith translated into tangible improvements on the ground, the time is not yet right to upgrade EU-Israel relations’.

In addition, many Member States are engaged in other ways in the region, e.g. through scientific research or through a number of European NGOs , mainly environmental or faith-based, in particular from the UK, France, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands.

In addition, many Member States are engaged in other ways in the region, e.g. through scientific research or through a number of European NGOs, mainly environmental or faith-based, in particular from the UK, France, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands.

In 2003 werd een EU-conferentie van de ministers van Binnenlandse Zaken gehouden over de interreligieuze dialoog (“The inter-faith dialogue – a social cohesion factor in Europe and an instrument of peace in the Mediterranean area”)[20], met het doel de instelling van een Europees forum voor interreligieuze dialoog en voor dialoog tussen geloofsgemeenschappen en staten te bespreken.

In 2003, a Conference of EU Home Affairs Ministers was held on “The inter-faith dialogue – a social cohesion factor in Europe and an instrument of peace in the Mediterranean area”[20] whose aim was to discuss establishing a “European Forum for inter-faith and faith-governments dialogue”.

'I, the undersigned, declare that the information given in this application is correct and is given in good faith, that I am established in the European Community, and that this application is the only one made by me or on my behalf for the quota relating to the goods described in the application.

« Je soussigné certifie que les renseignements portés sur la présente demande sont exacts et établis de bonne foi, que je suis établi dans la Communauté européenne, que la présente demande constitue l'unique demande déposée par moi ou en mon nom et relative au contingent applicable aux marchandises décrites dans cette demande.

De klas van het Holy Faith De La Salle Convent te Skerries (Co.Dublin), begeleid door haar leerkracht mevrouw Ann Dinneen, heeft de eerste prijs behaald.

First prize went to the class of the Holy Faith De La Salle Convent in Skerries (Co. Dublin), and their teacher Mrs Ann Dinneen.

D'autres ont cherché : e-faith     e-learning     e-opleiding     e-vorming     on-line opleiding     on-line vorming     digitale overheid     e-gov     e-government     e-administratie     e-bestuur     e-human resource management     e-overheid     e-regering     egovernment     elektronisch bestuur     elektronische hrm     elektronische administratie     elektronische overheid     elektronische regering     on-lineadministratie     on-lineoverheid     

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Date index: 2022-08-22