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Aan muziektherapie verwante wetenschappen toepassen
En verwante syndromen
Florfenicol en verwante stoffen
Lymfocytaire syndromen
Lymfoproliferatieve syndromen
Mecanicien serie in kledingindustrie
Montageoperator kleding en textielproducten
Spinale spieratrofie en verwante syndromen

Traduction de «en verwante syndromen » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

spinale spieratrofie en verwante syndromen

Spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes

'transient (cerebral) ischaemic attacks' [TIA] en verwante syndromen

Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes

overige gespecificeerde vormen van spinale spieratrofie en verwante syndromen

Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes

lymfocytaire syndromen | lymfoproliferatieve syndromen

lymphoproliferative diseases | lymphoproliferative disorders

stoornis in de manier van lopen bij extrapiramidale syndromen

extrapyramidal gait disorder

florfenicol en verwante stoffen

florfenicol and related compounds

mecanicien serie in kledingindustrie | monteur kledingindustrie in leer, huiden en verwante materialen | montageoperator kleding en textielproducten | verantwoordelijke assemblage- en montageatelier kledingindustrie

clothing manufacturing technician | garment manufacturing technician | clothing process control technician | sample room supervisor

aan muziektherapie verwante wetenschappen toepassen

apply physiological basis of music as therapy | apply psychological basis of music as therapy | apply related sciences to music therapy | apply sociological basis of music as therapy

acute myeloïde leukemie en myelodysplastische syndromen gerelateerd aan bestraling

A subgroup of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-MN), associated with treatment of an unrelated neoplastic disease with radiation. The neoplastic cells typically harbor unbalanced aberrations of chromosomes 5 and 7 (monosomy 5/del(5q) and monosomy

acute myeloïde leukemie en myelodysplastische syndromen gerelateerd aan alkylerend middel

A subgroup of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-MN), associated with a treatment of an unrelated neoplastic or autoimmune disease with cytotoxic agents, like cyclophosphamid, platins, melphalan and others. The neoplastic cells typically harbor unb
