Derhalve dienen de specificaties te worden aangepast voor de levensmiddelenadditieven Sorbitol (E 420 (i)), Sorbitolstroop (E 420 (ii)),), door middel van fermentatie vervaardigde Mannitol (E 421 (ii)), Isomalt (E 953), Maltitol (E 965 (i)), Maltitolstroop (E 965 (ii)), Xylitol (E 967) en Erythritol (E 968), door de criteria betreffende chloride, sulfaat en sulfaatas te schrappen en te vervangen door één enkel criterium, namelijk geleidingsvermogen (conductiviteit).
Therefore, specifications should be amended for the food additives Sorbitol (E 420 (i)), Sorbitol syrup (E 420 (ii)), Mannitol (E 421 (i)), Mannitol manufactured by fermentation (E 421 (ii)), Isomalt (E 953), Maltitol (E 965 (i)), Maltitol syrup (E 965 (ii)), Xylitol (E 967) and Erythritol (E 968) by deleting the criteria on chlorides, sulphates and sulphated ashes and replacing them with a single criterion, conductivity.