Zo zouden bijvoorbeeld de files, die Europa 135 miljard euro per jaar kosten, in de toekomst via internettechnologie als sensoren, smart tags en mettertijd het satellietnavigatiesysteem Galileo met 20% kunnen worden gereduceerd, en de luchtvervuiling ook nog eens met 15% ( IP/08/1979 ).
Internet data traffic is today growing already by 60% every year. As the internet connects to billions of sensors and online mobile devices to deliver ever more sophisticated information, these infrastructures need to be 'smart' enough to use such huge amounts of data in real time. For example, through internet technology like sensors, smart tags , and, one day, the Galileo navigation satellite system, traffic jams, which cost Europe €135 billion a year, could be reduced by 20% and emissions by another 15% ( IP/08/1979 )