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Clandestiene migratie
Illegale immigrant
Illegale immigratie
Illegale migratie
Illegale migratie analyseren
Immigrant in kader van gezinshereniging
Irreguliere immigrant
Irreguliere immigratie
Irreguliere migratie analyseren
Irreguliere secundaire beweging
Onregelmatige migratie analyseren
Secundaire beweging

Vertaling van "irreguliere immigrant " (Nederlands → Engels) :

illegale immigrant | irreguliere immigrant

illegal immigrant | irregular immigrant | undocumented immigrant

immigrant in kader van gezinshereniging

Family reunion immigrant

illegale immigratie | irreguliere immigratie

illegal immigration | irregular immigration

illegale migratie analyseren | irreguliere migratie analyseren | onregelmatige migratie analyseren

scrutinise irregular migration | test irregular migration | analyse irregular migration | test irregular population movements

irreguliere secundaire beweging | secundaire beweging

irregular secondary movement | secondary movement

illegale migratie [ clandestiene migratie | illegale immigrant ]

illegal migration [ clandestine migration | illegal immigration ]

migrant [ emigrant | geëmigreerde | geïmmigreerde | immigrant ]

migrant [ emigrant | immigrant ]
Compte tenu des oppositions du Conseil, le compromis trouvé finalement pour régler la controverse terminologique (immigration « illégale » contre immigration « irrégulière ») paraît satisfaisant, mais il ne peut être qu’une première étape ; les institutions européennes devront concrétiser leur engagement.

Given the Council’s opposition, the compromise finally found to solve the terminological controversy (‘illegal’ immigration versus ‘irregular’ immigration) seems satisfactory, but it can only be a first step. The European institutions will have to make good their commitment.

– Faciliter l'obtention de visa pour les citoyens géorgiens et approuver un accord de réadmission des immigrés en situation irrégulière: les deux dossiers ont fait l'objet d'un vote mardi 14 décembre en session plénière du Parlement européen.

– (FR) The two issues of facilitating the issuance of visas for Georgian citizens and approving an agreement on readmission of persons residing without authorisation were voted on during the plenary sitting of the European Parliament on Tuesday, 14 December.

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Date index: 2022-06-13