A Decade of Labour Market Reforms in the EU," European Economy-Economic Papers, 522; Lorenzani, D. en J. Varga, "The Economic Impact of Digital Structural Reforms," European Economy-Economic Papers, 529; Lorenzani, D en F. Lucidi, "The Economic Impact of Civil Justice Reforms," European Economy-Economic Papers, 530; Connell, W., "Economic Impact of Late Payments," European Economy-Economic Papers, 531; Ciriaci, D., "Business Dynamics and Red Tape Barriers," European Economy-Economic Papers, 532, en Canton E. et al., "The Economic Impact of Professional Services Liberalisation," European Economy-Economic Papers, 533.
A Decade of Labour Market Reforms in the EU,' European Economy-Economic Papers, 522; Lorenzani, D. and J. Varga, 'The Economic Impact of Digital Structural Reforms,' European Economy-Economic Papers, 529; Lorenzani, D and F. Lucidi, 'The Economic Impact of Civil Justice Reforms,' European Economy-Economic Papers, 530; Connell, W'. Economic Impact of Late Payments,' European Economy-Economic Papers, 531; Ciriaci, D'. Business Dynamics and Red Tape Barriers,' European Economy-Economic Papers, 532, and Canton E. et al., 'The Economic Impact of Professional Services Liberalisation,' European Economy-Economic Papers, 533.