The projects chosen will help to bring electricity to more than 3 million people in African rural areas. They include a hydroelectric project in the Ludewa District, Tanzania, which will provide energy to 20 isolated villages; benefitting 4,000 households, 43 primary and secondary schools (about 16,000 students); one hospital and 19 dispensaries, over 500 small businesses and farmers from across the region and an eco-electrification project in Burkina Faso, which will reach 100,000 people, as well as health centres and schools.
Parmi les projets sélectionnés figurent un projet hydroélectrique dans le district de Ludewa, en Tanzanie, qui fournira de l’énergie à 20 villages isolés, 4 000 foyers, 43 écoles primaires et secondaires (soit environ 16 000 écoliers), un hôpital, 19 dispensaires et plus de 500 petites entreprises et petites exploitations agricoles de toute la région, ainsi qu'un projet d'éco-électrification au Burkina Faso, qui touchera 100 000 personnes, des centres de santé et des écoles.