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American cockroach
Cockroach killer
Cockroach theory
Economic fire protection theory
Economic fire-control theory
Effective Control of Cockroaches
Least cost plus fire protection theory
Least-cost fire-control theory
Palmetto bug
Probability theory
Probable correctness theory
Probable theory
Queueing theory
Queuing theory
Theory of congestion
Theory of probability
Theory of queues
Theory of waiting lines
Waiting-line theory

Vertaling van "Cockroach theory " (Engels → Frans) :

cockroach theory

théorie des cafards [ théorie des coquerelles ]

Effective Control of Cockroaches

Lutte efficace contre les blattes (coquerelles)

American cockroach | palmetto bug

blatte américaine | blatte d'Amérique

probable correctness theory | probable theory | probability theory | theory of probability

théorie des probabilités

economic fire protection theory | economic fire-control theory | least cost plus fire protection theory | least-cost fire-control theory

théorie du moindre coût

queuing theory [ queueing theory | theory of queues | theory of congestion | theory of waiting lines | waiting-line theory ]

torie des files d'attente [ théorie des queues ]

datacenter (1): (

'Cockroach theory' ->

Date index: 2023-02-07