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Centre for vocational education and training
College of Vocational Education and Training
College of general and professional instruction
College of general and professional teaching
College of general and vocational education
Commercial school
Copenhagen Declaration
General and vocational college
Initial training
Initial vocational education and training
Initial vocational training
Professional education
Technical and vocational education and training
Technical school
Vocational Education and Training
Vocational education
Vocational school
Vocational training
Working Party on Vocational Education and Training

Traduction de «College Vocational Education and Training » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
College of Vocational Education and Training

Ecole d'enseignement général et de formation professionnelle

initial training | initial vocational education and training | initial vocational training | IVT | IVET [Abbr.]

enseignement et formation professionnels initiaux | formation initiale | formation professionnelle initiale | EFPI [Abbr.]

Copenhagen Declaration | Declaration of the European Ministers of Vocational Education and Training, and the European Commission, convened in Copenhagen on 29 and 30 November 2002, on enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training

Déclaration de Copenhague | Déclaration des ministres européens de l'éducation et de la formation professionnelle, et de la Commission européenne, réunis à Copenhague les 29 et 30 novembre 2002, sur la coopération européenne renforcée en matière d'enseignement et de formation professionnels.

technical and vocational education and training

formation professionnelle et d'enseignement technique

centre for vocational education and training

centre de formation professionnelle

Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training [ SFIVET ]

Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle [ IFFP ]

Vocational Education and Training [ BB ]

Formation professionnelle [ BB ]

Working Party on Vocational Education and Training

Groupe de travail sur l'enseignement et la formation professionnelle

vocational education [ commercial school | technical school | vocational school | Vocational training(STW) | professional education(UNBIS) ]

enseignement professionnel [ école professionnelle ]

general and vocational college [ CEGEP,C.E.G.E.P. | college of general and vocational education | college of general and professional instruction | college of general and professional teaching ]

cégep [ collège d'enseignement général et professionnel ]
Subsequent to the adoption of Leonardo da Vinci II in April 1999, a number of policy initiatives have been launched with a major impact on vocational training policy and consequently on Leonardo da Vinci II : the Lisbon strategy of March 2000, which accords an important role to education and training for the achievement of its goals [4]; the communication of the Commission on 'Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality' [5], setting a new paradigm for education and training; the r ...[+++]

À la suite de l'adoption du programme Leonardo da Vinci II en avril 1999, un certain nombre d'initiatives politiques ont été lancées, qui ont eu un impact important sur la politique en matière de formation professionnelle et donc sur le programme Leonardo da Vinci II: la stratégie de Lisbonne de mars 2000, qui accorde un rôle important à l'éducation et à la formation pour la réalisation de ses objectifs [4]; la communication de la Commission intitulée «Réaliser un espace européen de l'éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie» ...[+++]

However, the country also has a comparatively more robust system of community college vocational education and training, which produces far more graduates than our competitor nations, such as the United States or the United Kingdom.

Cependant, il dispose également d'un système relativement plus développé de formation professionnelle collégiale, qui produit beaucoup plus de diplômés que des pays concurrents comme les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.

Events at European level include a European Business Forum on Vocational education and training, a Conference on "Adult Skills", a European Alliance for Apprenticeships Stakeholder Meeting, a Vocational education and training Researcher Community Forum, a Vocational education and training/Professional Higher Education Providers Forum, and a Forum of Sector Skills Alliances Councils.

Parmi les événements organisés au niveau européen figurent notamment un forum des entreprises européennes sur l'enseignement et la formation professionnels, une conférence sur le thème «Les compétences des adultes», une réunion des parties prenantes de l'Alliance européenne pour l'apprentissage, un forum de la communauté des chercheurs en enseignement et formation professionnels, un forum des prestataires d'enseignement et de formation professionnels et d'enseignement professionnel supérieur ainsi qu'un forum des alliances et conseils sectoriels pour les compétences.

The Colleges underlined the importance of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to ensure youth empowerment and employment by aligning TVET skills portability initiatives with ongoing work on harmonisation and quality assurance in higher education in Africa.

L’UA et l’UE ont souligné l'importance de l'enseignement et la formation techniques et professionnelles (EFTP) en vue d’assurer l'autonomisation et l'emploi des jeunes, en adaptant les initiatives de l’EFTP relatives au transfert des compétences avec les travaux en cours sur l'harmonisation et l'assurance de la qualité dans l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique.

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the implementation in Programme countries of Union transparency and recognition tools, in particular the single Union framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass), the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET), the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education ...[+++]

la mise en œuvre, dans les pays participant au programme, des outils de transparence et de reconnaissance de l'Union, plus particulièrement le cadre unique de l'Union pour la transparence des qualifications et des compétences (Europass), le cadre européen de certifications (CEC), le système européen de transfert et d'accumulation de crédits (ECTS), le système européen de crédits d'apprentissage pour l'enseignement et la formation professionnels (ECVET), le cadre européen de référence pour l'assurance de la qualité dans l'enseignement ...[+++]

Council Resolution of 19 December 2002 on the promotion of enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training (‘the Copenhagen process’), and the 2004 joint interim report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Education and Training 2010 work programme , stress the importance of a credit transfer system for vocational education and training, while the 2008 joint progress report of the Council and the Commission stresses the need to step up efforts to im ...[+++]

La résolution du Conseil du 19 décembre 2002 visant à promouvoir le renforcement de la coopération européenne en matière d'enseignement et de formation professionnels (le «processus de Copenhague»), et le rapport intermédiaire conjoint de 2004 du Conseil et de la Commission sur la mise en œuvre du programme de travail «Éducation et formation 2010» , soulignent l'importance d'un système européen de transfert de crédits pour l'enseignement et la formation professionnels, tandis ...[+++]

6. The Council emphasizes the importance of vocational education and training policies along the lines indicated above and agrees that Member States' policies should include the following aims, in line with national systems and traditions: (a) promoting investment in vocational education and training which will specifically lead to relevant, recognized or validated qualifications; (b) developing close links between school-based and enterprise-based vocational training, as coherent vocational education ...[+++]

6. Le Conseil souligne l'importance des politiques de formation professionnelle des jeunes établies selon les principes généraux indiqués ci-dessus et estime que les politiques des Etats membres devraient viser les objectifs suivants, en tenant compte des systèmes et des traditions existant au niveau national : a) promouvoir l'investissement dans des formations professionnelles visant spécifiquement à l'acquisi ...[+++]

The competent public authorities, undertakings or the two sides of industry; each within their own sphere of competence; should set up continuing and permanent training systems enabling every person to undergo retraining more especially through leave for training purposes; to improve his skills or to acquire new skills; particularly in the light of technical developments; " Considering that employers and unions in the Social Dialogue have pointed out in joint statements of 19 June 1990, 6 November 1990 and 20 December 1991 that an improvement of European vocational education ...[+++] and training is crucial to a strengthening of the competitiveness of European business enterprises, and that intensified efforts in this area play a central role in the development of regional policies and development of industry and trade; Considering that the European Parliament; in its Resolution adopted on 15 May 1992, asks Member States to ensure that training programmes lead to high-level qualifications and recommends analyses of the sandwich-type education programmes for the purposes of placing greater emphasis on vocational education and training; Referring to the Resolution of the European Parliament of 21 April 1993 on vocational training policy in the 1990s; Considering that vocational, technological and demographic developments call for improved possibilities of continued training within the framework of cohesive policies in the fields of labour market conditions and vocational education and training; Whereas co-operation in the field of vocational training should also be based on existing provisions in force in the Member States, taking into account the respective responsibilities of the competent public authorities, undertakings and social partners; while respecting the diversity of national legal system,s and practices, the powers under national law of the parties concerned and contractual autonomy; whereas the initiatives taken at national level by the Member States an ...

Les autorités publiques compétentes, les entreprises ou les partenaires sociaux, chacun dans la sphère de leur compétence, devraient mettre en place les dispositifs de formation continue et permanente, permettant à toute personne de se recycler, notamment en bénéficiant de congés-formation, de se perfectionner et d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances compte tenu de l'évolution technique ; " considérant que les partenaires au dialogue social, employeurs et syndicats, ont rappelé dans des déclar ...[+++]

More specifically, the Council invites the Commission: (a) to work towards greater coherence at Community level between vocational education and training programmes and other policies which support Member States' efforts in this field; (b) to promote the development of European co-operation on qualifications, in line with the Council Resolution of 3 December 1992 on transparency of qualifications; (c) to strengthen transnational co-operation by reviewing the possibilities for students and trainees to undertake recognized training courses, ...[+++]

En particulier, le Conseil invite la Commission : a) à oeuvrer pour une plus grande cohérence, au niveau communautaire, entre les programmes de formation professionnelle et d'autres politiques qui soutiennent les efforts des Etats membres dans ce domaine ; b) à promouvoir le développement de la coopération européenne en matière de qualifications conformément à la résolution du Conseil du 3 décembre 1992 concernant la transparence des qualifications ; c) à renforcer la coopération transnationale en recensant les possibilités pour les ...[+++]

2. The Council stresses that special account should be taken of trends becoming increasingly important in the 1990s, in particular: (a) the crucial importance of vocational education and training in the context of developing new technologies, changed forms of decentralized work organization and new working methods; in this connection, educational strategies which integrate general learning and practical training, should be encouraged; (b) the links between the broad-based, basic vocational t ...[+++]

2. Le Conseil souligne qu'il y a lieu de tenir particulièrement compte des tendances qui prennent de plus en plus d'importance dans les années 1990, notamment : a) l'importance capitale que revêtent l'enseignement et la formation professionnelle dans le contexte du développement de nouvelles technologies, de nouvelles formes de décentralisation de l'organisation du travail et de nouvelles méthodes de travail ; dans ce contexte, il ...[+++]

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