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Canadian Livestock Co-operative
Co-op Atlantic
County library board
County library co-operative board
Library co-operative
Maritime Co-operative Services
Maritime Co-operative Services Ltd.
Maritime Livestock Board

Traduction de «County library co-operative board » (Anglais → Français) :

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county library co-operative board

conseil d'une coopérative de bibliothèques de comté

Johnstown Community Development Co-operative Tax Exemption Act [ An Act to Authorize the Municipality of the County of Richmond to Exempt from Property Taxes Property Used by Johnstown Community Development Co-operative Limited ]

Johnstown Community Development Co-operative Tax Exemption Act [ An Act to Authorize the Municipality of the County of Richmond to Exempt from Property Taxes Property Used by Johnstown Community Development Co-operative Limited ]

Co-op Atlantic [ Maritime Co-operative Services | Maritime Co-operative Services Ltd. | Canadian Livestock Co-operative (Maritimes) | Maritime Livestock Board ]

Coop Atlantique [ Maritime Co-operative Services | Maritime Co-operative Services Ltd. | Canadian Livestock Co-operative (Maritimes) | Maritime Livestock Board ]

International Board of Co-operation for the Developing Countries

Association internationale de coopération pour les pays en développement

county library board

conseil de bibliothèques de comté
What's being proposed is that you effectively have two boards: you have a community co-operative board in the proposal, which would be very similar to a credit union board today; and then you also have a national bank board, which they elect, in turn, or they have their members elect—whichever mechanism, but it's elected from members, if you will.

Ce qui est proposé est en fait qu'il y ait deux conseils d'administration: vous avez dans la proposition un conseil coopératif communautaire, qui serait très semblable aux conseils tels qu'ils existent aujourd'hui dans les coopératives de crédit; et vous avez aussi un conseil de banque nationale, élu par eux, à leur tour, ou bien élu par leurs membres—peu importe le mécanisme, mais ces gens sont élus par les membres, si vous voulez.

What we're envisaging is that those credit union boards would be converted into co-operative boards.

Nous envisageons que ces conseils d'administration des caisses de crédit soient transformés en conseils d'administration de coopératives.

The returns the bank would earn from the shares we would have put in as equity from our retained earnings of the Gulf and Fraser would be paid back in a form of dividends to the co-operative board to use in their community for the causes they want to support.

Le rendement que rapporteraient à la banque les actions que nous aurions contribuées en tant qu'avoir, puisé à même les bénéfices non répartis de Gulf and Fraser, serait reversé sous forme de dividendes au conseil d'administration de la coopérative qui pourrait alors s'en servir dans sa communauté pour appuyer les causes choisies par lui.

What do the following organizations have in common: the Vancouver Board of Trade; the Canadian Nurses Association; the Canadian Institute of Planners; the Chinese Canadian National Council; the Town of Halton Hills, which is Mr. Chong's town; the Canadian Association for Business Economics; the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants; the Canada West Foundation; the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada; the Canadian Federation of Independent Business; the Canadian Labour Congress; Alberta Health Services; the U ...[+++]

Qu'ont toutes ces organisations en commun: le Vancouver Board of Trade; l'Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada; l'Institut canadien des urbanistes; le Conseil national des Canadiens chinois; la municipalité d'Halton Hills, d'où vient M. Chong; l'Association canadienne de sciences économiques et des affaires; l'Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants; la Canada West Foundation; la Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada; la Fédération canadienne de l'entreprise indépendante; le Congrès du travail du Ca ...[+++]

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I am on The Co-operators' board through the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and am a member of The Co-operators in the Ontario region.

Je fais partie du bureau de direction du groupe The Co-operators à titre de représentante de la Fédération de l'agriculture de l'Ontario, et je suis membre du groupe The Co-operators dans la région de l'Ontario.

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Date index: 2024-05-04