Eric Lowther proposed to move, - That Clause 1, be amended by replacing line 5 on page 1 with the following: " tions Act is amended by replacing the defin
ition of " Canadian carrier" with the following: " Canadia
n carrier" means a telecommunications common carrier that is subject to the legislative authority of Parliament, and includes a partnership of Canadian carriers; by adding the follow-" RULING BY THE CHAIR The Chair ruled the proposed amendment out of order because it was a substantive amendment to the
...[+++]interpretation clause.
Eric Lowther envisage de proposer, - Que l’article 1 soit modifié par substitution, à la ligne 5, page 1, de ce qui suit : " télécommunications est modifiée : Par substitution, à la définition de " entreprise canadienne " de ce qui suit : " entreprise canadienne " Entreprise de télécommunication qui relève de la compétence fédérale.