The work of both the Convention and the rapporteurs is certainly positive; therefore – in answer to the pessimists and to those who always say no – I would say that, in terms of a complete Constitution, we are obviously only half way along the road but, compared to Nice, we have made steps forward that were and are giant steps. It is, however, necessary to make some changes to this report, as President Prodi, whose opinion I share, stated before this House.
Le travail accompli tant par la Convention que par les rapporteurs est indubitablement positif. C’est pourquoi, m’adressant aux pessimistes et à ceux qui disent toujours non, je déclare que si, d’évidence, nous ne sommes qu’à mi-chemin d’une Constitution complète, nous avons fait, par rapport à Nice, des pas qui étaient et qui restent des pas de géant.