----------------- With its communication, to be examined by the Council on 8 April 1986, the Commission submits not only the Mid-Term Evaluation Report by the JRC Scientific Council, which recognizes the competence and motivation of JRC staff and the quality of the research taking place, but also the 1985 execution report describing in more detail the ongoing research as well as the particularly interesting results thereof.
--------------- Avec sa communication, qui sera examinee par le Conseil du 8 avril 1986, la Commission presente non seulement un rapport d'evaluation a mi-periode du Conseil scientifique du CCR, qui reconnait que le CCR dispose d'un personnel competant et bien motive, et la qualite des travaux du centre, mais aussi le rapport d'execution 1985 qui decrit plus en detail la recherche en cours ainsi que les resultats particulierement interessants de cette recherche.