Senator Wallace: Mr. Flint, somewhat along the same lines as Senator Lang's questions, if someone had a concern with professional engineering design or professional engineering construction standards, say related to oil pipelines, and they felt that they were inadequate and that, as a result, the public and the environment were at risk, would it happen often or at all that you would have someone voice that concern to your association and expect you to take some action since you do represent professional engineering standards?
Le sénateur Wallace : Mes questions porteront sur le même sujet que celles du sénateur Lang, monsieur Flint. Disons qu'une personne craint qu'un problème de conception technique ou de normes de construction en ingénierie touchant les oléoducs puisse représenter une menace pour le public et l'environnement, ce genre de préoccupation pourrait-elle être portée à l'attention de votre association?