So that would be my first answer to your concern about the 35%. As for why the Playboy channel was on the eligible list and why are we refusing the religious stations, first, last year it was really a public process that was given at a time when we wanted to put forward the launch of new Canadian specialty channels, and it was really the position of most of the cable industry that in order to offer a bouquet of interesting programs there was a need to also add at the same time as the Canadian channels American channels on the list.
Voilà donc ma première réponse à votre question sur les 35 p. 100. Quant à la raison pour laquelle on a inscrit le canal Playboy sur la liste des stations possibles et refusé des stations religieuses, pour commencer, l'année dernière, à l'occasion du lancement des nouveaux canaux spécialisés canadiens, il y a eu des consultations publiques, et la plupart des câblodiffuseurs ont jugé que pour offrir une gamme de programmes intéressants, il fallait offrir des canaux américains en plus des canaux canadiens.